11 STANAG 4586 Working Group Jan 2010 Mike Meakin
2 Company Description InnUVative Systems Inc.- established in is a Canadian registered engineering and software development company Specifically targeted at the unmanned vehicles industry –Specializing in ground station software development for small & micro UAVs and UGVs/ USVs Using well recognized engineering practices within an established and controlled development environment –Follow fundamental project management principles as recognized by the Project Management Institute
3 Some Relevant Projects In April 2008, developed STANAG-4586 Vehicle Specific Module (VSM) for the Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS) protocol –allows control of a JAUS compliant vehicle from a STANAG-4586 compliant UAV Control Station In August 2009, completed integration of an iRobot Create vehicle with an onboard camera –Purely for marketing purposes –Did prove illustrative of ground vehicle control via STANAG 4586 Teamed with Aeryon Labs to integrate their Scout MAV to achieve STANAG-4586 compliance –Reached initial integration after only 6 weeks development effort –Currently in final integration after three months development –Basic vehicle and payload control and status
4 JAUS VSM: Requirements The SysML approach allowed the two ICDs to be placed into the same format for increased ease in mapping of ICD elements, despite the fact that the two ICDs were constructed in totally different manners:
5 The original intent was to make this exercise as challenging to a VSM implementation as possible: –Identified specific datalink, vehicle and manipulator messages to support Opportunity arose with a vehicle manufacturer who was interested in using our VSM for a sea vehicle demo –Modified version of STANAG from 2.1 to 2.4 and JAUS from 3-2 to 3-3 –Also changed manipulator messages for camera messages Set of JAUS messages supported (uplink and downlink): –10 of 23 system messages; –4 of 8 datalink messages (start/ stop, hi/ low power, point, etc. supported); –10 of 41 vehicle messages (steering, attitude, engine and waypoint supported); –6 of 18 camera messages (pointing, zoom, focus, etc. supported) –Zero manipulator messages No support for service connections (just queried periodically)- this accounted for most of the unsupported system messages
6 JAUS VSM: Results As a measure of the VSM capability itself, we had: A total of 321 tests were developed and executed for the VSM, with only12 failures (only minor functionality) for a 96.3% pass rate The EA tool allowed explicit checks of traceability to ensure that all requirements have both a “Realization” link and a “Test” link The level of effort expended for this development effort was approximately one person year –This yielded not only a functional JAUS VSM but also two test tools and a re-usable code base that will make the next VSM development much faster and lower risk
7 iRobot Create STANAG 4586 easily adaptable to ground vehicle needs VSM-specific dialogs allowed display of information such as Obstacle dialog
8 Scout MAV from Aeryon Labs Quad rotor MAV Stabilized camera GPS-based guidance Wireless IP datalink Purchased for use by Canadian police
99 In a competitive world The distinguishing difference is