1 31 st Air Armament Symposium Sponsored by NDIA Col Mitch Dantzler AAC/XR Eglin AFB, FL 05 October 2005 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l.


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Presentation transcript:

1 31 st Air Armament Symposium Sponsored by NDIA Col Mitch Dantzler AAC/XR Eglin AFB, FL 05 October 2005 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e "Tomorrow's War Fighting Solutions Begin Today" Air Armament Center New Initiatives

2 Introduction

3 AAC New Initiatives… Outline  Background  Capability Objectives  Sources of Requirements  2004 Key Takeaways  AAC / XR Vision - Focus Areas to meet our Warfighter Needs  Counter-CBrne  Urban Operations (Urban Ops) / Close Air Support (CAS)  Long Range Strike  Industry Perspective  Urban Operations / CAS Industry Panel Outbrief  Long Range Strike Panel Outbrief  Emerging Cross-Cutting Technologies  Directed Energy Workgroup Outbrief  Science and Technology Supporting Activities  Recommendations

4  Today’s weapons are excellent…but we need to continue improving to prepare for future conflicts  Targets and threats are evolving asymmetrically  Current weapons have filled many capability objectives…however things have changed  Current weapons developed to defeat enemy in a war zone…not a civilian Urban Operations environment  Persistence and variable effects are needed Background… Capability Objectives Tomorrow’s Vision…..Starts with today’s planning

5 Background… Sources of Capability Needs JCIDS Combatant Commander Needs Combatant Commander Needs IPL Urgent Need Requests IPL Urgent Need Requests Top-Down Direction Top-Down Direction SecDef SecAF CSAF SecDef SecAF CSAF Technology Transition Technology Transition ATDs ACTDs Exercises Experiments Battlelab Initiatives SPO Initiatives Industry ATDs ACTDs Exercises Experiments Battlelab Initiatives SPO Initiatives Industry Capability Based Planning Capability Based Planning CONOPS I-CRRA CONOPS I-CRRA

6  Enabling Network Centric Weapons is Team Eglin’s primary thrust for the near to mid term  SDB II and supporting technologies for moving targets  Weapons data link and architecture for net-ready ability  Technology to grow weapon ISR/BDI/BDA capability  Longer ranges, increased load out, all with flexible targeting  Directed Energy and Area Dominance are natural extensions of Net Centric Weapons  These concepts are guiding our mid to far term efforts  Hard & Deeply Buried Targets (HDBT) and Chemical/Biological/ Radiological/ Nuclear, or High Yield Explosive (CBRNE) solutions are being explored and will be further developed as warfighter requirements solidify Background… 2004 Key Takeaways

7 Capability Based Planning Capability Based Planning CONOPS I-CRRA CONOPS I-CRRA Combatant Commander Needs Combatant Commander Needs IPL Urgent Need Requests IPL Urgent Need Requests Technology Transition Technology Transition ATDs ACTDs Exercises Experiments Battlelab Initiatives SPO Initiatives Industry ATDs ACTDs Exercises Experiments Battlelab Initiatives SPO Initiatives Industry Top-Down Direction Top-Down Direction SecDef SecAF CSAF SecDef SecAF CSAF AAC / XR Vision… Responses to Capability Needs Counter-CBrne Urban Ops/CAS Long Range Strike

8 Counter-Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive (C-CBrne)... Counter - CBrne… Counter – Chemical & Biological Weapon

9 AAC / XR Vision… Counter – CBrne Overall Roadmap Weapon Concepts FY04FY12 FY20 ? CrashPAD Disrupt / Deny Soft Bulk Neutralization Moving Air, Land, Sea Disrupt / Deny Hard Funded Unfunded Legend CFAD Increment I PAW (Inactive Storage) CFAD Increment II Next Increment ?

10  OBJECTIVE: Disrupt/Deny CB targets while minimizing collateral effects  Chemical and biological production and storage facilities  Weapons of mass destruction  REQUIREMENT: Increment I CFAD Capability Development Document (CDD) in coordination  Disrupt use and deny access  Increment II CFAD CDD follows in FY06  Bulk neutralization of agents  J8 expected to release Joint Capabilities Document to address Find-Fix-Track-Target portion of CBrne moving target kill chain Counter - CBrne… Counter Force Agent Defeat (CFAD) CDD Industry Invited to Submit White Papers

11  Optimize blast/fragmentation/fill:  Maximize agent spillage  Minimize agent aerosolization  Minimize target structural damage  Minimal collateral effects  Two orders of magnitude reduction in release of viable agent compared to high explosive BLU-109  Platforms:  Primary: B-2Other: B-52, F-15E Capability: Ability to defeat hardened chemical and biological storage facilities NEAR TERM WEAPON CFAD Inc I Production SDD 0706 Shredder ATD Baseline Testing Baseline Testing Counter - CBrne... Counter Force Agent Defeat Increment I Funded Unfunded Legend

12  Delivery and fill concepts being assessed  Bulk neutralization of agents  Minimize or negate collateral damage  Study began in 2005  Platforms:  TBD Capability: Ability to defeat chemical and biological storage and production facilities CFAD Inc II SDD Tech Dev AFNWCA Study Counter - CBRNE... Counter Force Agent Defeat Increment II Notional Schedule NEAR TERM WEAPON Funded Unfunded Legend

13 Weapon Concepts SDB SDB-II VSM FY04FY12 FY20 DE Dominator AAC / XR Vision… Urban Ops / CAS Overall Roadmap Funded Unfunded Legend Fixed Moving Persistent Variable Effects

14  OBJECTIVE:  Attack targets in Urban Operations / CAS environments – Buildings, moving vehicles, personnel – Troops in contact  REQUIREMENT: AFSOC Persistent Surface Attack System of Systems (PSAS) Initial Capability Document (ICD)  Network centric guidance  Small, precise, multi-mission  Reduced response time, minimal collateral effects  Platforms – JSF – AC-130 – Persistent Surface Attack System of Systems – Unmanned systems Urban Ops / CAS… Urban Operations/Close Air Support

15  Small, precise, adverse weather guided munition  Variable effects, low collateral damage warhead  Network centric targeting  Platforms:  Primary:AC-130  Other: F-35, PSAS, Unmanned Systems Capability: Ability to attack Urban Operations / CAS targets Urban Ops / CAS… Very Small Munition (VSM) VSM LRIP SDD CTD 2 – 4 feet 40 – 60 lbs NEAR TERM WEAPON XR Planning Funded Unfunded Legend

16  Dominate by persisting and reducing response time  Controlled autonomy, network connectivity  Long endurance operation (40-50 hours)  Exploit battle space, provide situational awareness  Numerous concepts being assessed  Platforms:  Bombers, Fighters, Cargo, Unmanned Capability: Ability to rapidly adapt to changing target sets and perform multiple missions Dominator Mini Cruise SDD Lab Tech Demos Urban Ops / CAS... Persistent Attack Concept NEAR TERM WEAPON Tech Dev Funded Unfunded Legend

17 Weapon Concepts FY04FY12 FY20 AAC / XR Vision… Long Range Strike Armament Roadmap High Speed Hypersonic JASSM-ER JASSM CALCM CAV Laser/ Relay Mirror Funded Unfunded Legend Limited Range Extended Range Shortened Time Global

18  OBJECTIVE: Capability to achieve desired effects on high value targets in anti-access environments Long Range Strike... Long Range Strike  REQUIREMENT:  Phase I: Modernize current bomber fleet across FYDP  Phase II: Can we field new strike capabilities based on current technology in the timeframe?  Phase III: Field new strike capabilities based on cutting edge technology in the timeframe

19  Engage moving targets at sea  Large (100 ft), slow (15 knots)  Weapon target discrimination  Right threat target vs. neutral traffic  Standoff outside threat rings  Adverse weather  Upgrades to current weapon systems:  Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile  Sensor Fuzed Weapon (Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser Extended Range) Capability: Destroy large slow-moving maritime targets Long Range Strike... Counter-MARITIME Counter- Maritime ACTD Production Plans NEAR TERM WEAPON Funded Unfunded Legend

20 Capability: Destroy heavily defended, high value, time sensitive targets located deep in enemy territory  Cruise Speed: Mach 3-5> Mach 5  Range: NM NM  Time of Flight: <15 minutes<10 minutes  Propulsion: Turbojet, Ramjet, DC RamjetScramjet  Payload Wt: 300# (WDU-45B) #  Guidance: GPS/INS, Network Centric, Seeker Joint High Speed Weapon (JHSW) Hypersonic Missile JHSW Navy TD/ SDD SDD/Production Lab Tech Demos Long Range Strike... High Speed/Hypersonic Missile Concept NEAR TERM WEAPON

21 AAC / XR Vision… Directed Energy  Instantaneous, precise and virtually inexhaustible firepower  Potential to greatly increase combat capability in all mission areas  Many components and subsystems matured and demonstrated  System level maturation required  2004 NDIA symposium initiated process to transition armament applications

22 Summary  Background  Capability Objectives  Sources of Requirements  2004 Key Takeaways  AAC / XR Vision - Focus Areas to meet our Warfighter Needs  Counter-CBrne  Urban Operations (Urban Ops) / Close Air Support (CAS)  Long Range Strike

23 XR in Billy’s Day What is Your Vision…?

24  Background  Capability Objectives  Sources of Requirements  2004 Key Takeaways  AAC / XR Vision - Focus Areas to meet our Warfighter Needs  Counter-CBrne  Urban Operations (Urban Ops) / Close Air Support (CAS)  Long Range Strike  Industry Perspective  Urban Operations / CAS Industry Panel Outbrief  Long Range Strike Panel Outbrief  Emerging Cross-Cutting Technologies  Directed Energy Workgroup Outbrief  Science and Technology Supporting Activities  Recommendations Today’s Briefs Col Mitch Dantzler Mr. Marvin Ebbert Mr. Carl Avila Ms. Lynda Rutledge Col Arnie Bunch Col Mitch Dantzler

25 Today’s Briefs  Capability Objectives  AAC Vision - Focus Area Roadmap to Meet Needs  Counter-CBRNE  Urban Operations / Close Air Support  Long Range Strike  Industry Perspective  Urban Ops / CAS Industry Panel Outbrief Urban Ops / CAS Industry Panel Outbrief  Long Range Strike Panel Outbrief  Emerging Cross-Cutting Technologies  Directed Energy Workgroup Outbrief  Science and Technology Supporting Activities  Recommendations Col Mitch Dantzler Mr. Marvin Ebbert Mr. Carl Avila Ms. Lynda Rutledge Col Arnie Bunch Col Mitch Dantzler

26 Today’s Briefs  Capability Objectives  AAC Vision - Focus Area Roadmap to Meet Needs  Counter-CBRNE  Urban Operations / Close Air Support  Long Range Strike  Industry Perspective  Urban Ops / CAS Industry Panel Outbrief  Long Range Strike Panel Outbrief Long Range Strike Panel Outbrief  Emerging Cross-Cutting Technologies  Directed Energy Workgroup Outbrief  Science and Technology Supporting Activities  Recommendations Col Mitch Dantzler Mr. Marvin Ebbert Mr. Carl Avila Ms. Lynda Rutledge Col Arnie Bunch Col Mitch Dantzler

27 Today’s Briefs  Capability Objectives  AAC Vision - Focus Area Roadmap to Meet Needs  Counter-CBRNE  Urban Operations / Close Air Support  Long Range Strike  Industry Perspective  Urban Ops / CAS Industry Panel Outbrief  Long Range Strike Panel Outbrief  Emerging Cross-Cutting Technologies  Directed Energy Workgroup Outbrief Directed Energy Workgroup Outbrief  Science and Technology Supporting Activities  Recommendations Col Mitch Dantzler Mr. Marvin Ebbert Mr. Carl Avila Ms. Lynda Rutledge Col Arnie Bunch Col Mitch Dantzler

28 Today’s Briefs  Capability Objectives  AAC Vision - Focus Area Roadmap to Meet Needs  Counter-CBRNE  Urban Operations / Close Air Support  Long Range Strike  Industry Perspective  Urban Ops / CAS Industry Panel Outbrief  Long Range Strike Panel Outbrief  Emerging Cross-Cutting Technologies  Directed Energy Workgroup Outbrief  Science and Technology Supporting Activities Science and Technology Supporting Activities  Recommendations Col Mitch Dantzler Mr. Marvin Ebbert Mr. Carl Avila Ms. Lynda Rutledge Col Arnie Bunch Col Mitch Dantzler

29 Today’s Briefs  Capability Objectives  AAC Vision - Focus Area Roadmap to Meet Needs  Counter-CBRNE  Urban Operations / Close Air Support  Long Range Strike  Industry Perspective  Urban Ops / CAS Industry Panel Outbrief  Long Range Strike Panel Outbrief  Emerging Cross-Cutting Technologies  Directed Energy Workgroup Outbrief  Science and Technology Supporting Activities  Recommendations Recommendations Col Mitch Dantzler Mr. Marvin Ebbert Mr. Carl Avila Ms. Lynda Rutledge Col Arnie Bunch Col Mitch Dantzler

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