Stage 4: Analysis, Adjustment, & Distribution of Schedules
Goals of Stage 4 The goals of the Analysis, Adjustment, & Distribution of Schedules: To complete a final analysis To make any further adjustments as needed To distribute student & teacher schedules
Run Scheduler- identify percentage of success – How well have student pathway program of study selection AND student course selections been satisfied? To what extent is there enrollment balance in multi-section courses? To what extent are pathway student cohorts purely scheduled? Steps and Queries in the Process
To what extent does each pathway community of practice (pathway team of teachers who share students in common) share common planning time? Steps & Queries in the Process
Steps in the Process It is important to shift student groups to balance numbers across Academies/Pathways, BUT equal access and heterogeneous groupings must be maintained. (student choice=important; equity= important) Academy/Pathway teacher teams can offer key input at this stage as to what would improve their ability to instruct and plan.
Steps in the Process Balancing teams and maintaining purity changes how student conflicts are resolved. A student may need to take a particular class that is in another academy’s/pathway’s program of study to fix a conflict rather than individual courses being changed. (issues involved) Important to visually identify class sections that include students from more than a single pathway/Academy
Analysis and Adjustment Using your Master Schedule Notebook: Documenting conflicts and solutions Year to year tracking of scheduling conflicts, challenges, and solutions is important!
Distribution of Schedules How can you personalize the distribution of student schedules in a way that helps each student “own” her/his own schedule? When should you distribute student schedules? What is the best way to distribute teacher schedules? When should you distribute teacher schedules?