Dancing on the Ark Kelly Walker NS Hospice Palliative Care Inverary Inn, Baddeck, NS May 14, 2011
Four Seasons - Chorus My Dear, I love you in the winter My Dear, I love you in the fall My Dear, I love you in the spring and in the summertime But it’s now, I love you most of all
Eat Well
BREAKFAST Q 1/2 grapefruit Q 1 slice whole wheat bread Q 8 ounces skim milk
LUNCH Q 4 ounces broiled chicken breast Q 1 cup steamed zucchini Q 1 Oreo cookie Q Herbal tea
MID-AFTERNOON SNACK Q Rest of package of Oreo cookies Q 1 quart Rocky Road ice cream Q 1 jar hot fudge sauce
DINNER Q 2 loaves garlic bread Q 1 large pepperoni and mushroom pizza Q 1 pitcher of beer Q 3 candy bars Q Entire frozen cheesecake eaten directly from the freezer
Sleep - for recovery, for dreams
Play - do you have a playmate do you have a playmate?
Learn to say
Breathe Stretch
Stretch your imagination
Get to know your feelings
Find an elder
Contemplate - be open to the universe You are a part of it
pray For you For others
Budget time alone
Embrace your whole story. You are the only you.
Embrace your body.
Have some passion somewhere in your life.