Nutrition Sensitive Food Systems - Post ICN2 and SDGs: Priorities for Africa 6th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security 28 – 30 October 2015 – Kampala Uganda Presented by Mohamed Ag Bendech Snr. Nutrition Officer FAO- Regional Office for Africa
Food Systems are drivers of nutritional outcomes- The Second International Conference on Nutrition highlithed the critical role of food systems for malnutrition Food Systems are drivers of nutritional outcomes- Food Systems include Growing food, harvesting, processing, packaging, distributing , marketing, consuming and disposing wates (GNR 2015 Africa Food Systems are associated with lowest and productivity, Highest post-harvest loses, malnutrition rates and food budget shares There is the need to transform them as the unbalanced diet is a major risk factor for all forms of malnutrition ©FAO/©Giulio Napolitano
A lot has happened in less than 10 years to transform the nutrition landscape
Global level evolution Scaling up Nutrition Movement (SUN, 2010 About 55 countries have committed to address malnutrition 1000 Days Partnership formed (2010) To focus on the first 1000d; respond to country requests UNGA on NCDs 2011 Requesting dietary and food system changes and health system strengthening G8 Summit, Camp David, USA, 2012 New Alliance for food security and nutrition for sustained Agric-led growth in Africa WHA 2012 MIYCN- six global targets for 2025 CFS 2013 Incorporated UNSCN on its Advisory Board UN GA 2013 69th session, included an item on Agric development, food security and nutrition UN Human Right 2014 Right to food resolution (not to use for political or economic pressure)
Global level evolution Global Nutrition for Growth Summit, 2013 To reduce by 20 million number of stunted children <5yrs Financial commitment: $4.15 billion Launch if the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food systems for nutrition (2013) To stimulate the evidence-base for integrating nutrition, agric and food systems 1st and 2nd Global Nutrition Reports (2014, 2015) To track commitments and progress; actions and accountability AU Malabo Declaration By 2025: End Hunger Reduce stunting to 10% Reduce underweight to 5% 2nd International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2)- FAO-WHO led Countries made 10 commitments to eradicate hunger and prevent all forms of malnutrition; strong emphasis on the food system. Sustainable Development Goals, 2015 17 Goals, 169 targets: Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
What have we learnt the past 10 yrs? Nutrition is a complex issue with multiple causes; we need to work together to address the problem. Focus on both nutrition-specific and nutrition sensitive interventions Agricultural policies and programs should be made nutrition-enhancing We need to focus on the food system
Outcome documents Rome Declaration on Nutrition Political statement of 10 commitments for more effective and coordinated action to improve nutrition Framework for Action Voluntary technical guide of 60 recommendations for implementation of political commitments
Ten ICN2 commitments Eradicate hunger and prevent all forms of malnutrition Increase investments Enhance sustainable food systems Raise the profile of nutrition Strengthen human and institutional capacities Strengthen and facilitate, contributions and action by all stakeholders Ensure healthy diets throughout the life course Create enabling environment for making informed choices Implement commitments through Framework for Action Integrate vision and commitments into post-2015 agenda 8
Framework for Action 60 policy and strategy recommendations to achieve better nutrition for all Thematic areas for action: - Enabling environment – with multi-sector engagement - Sustainable food systems for healthy diets - nutrition-enhancing investment and trade - Nutrition education and information - Social protection - Strong and resilient health systems, including actions on: o breastfeeding, wasting , stunting , childhood overweight and obesity, anaemia in women of reproductive age and health services to improve nutrition - Water sanitation and hygiene - Food safety - Accountability Governments primary responsibility to take action, in dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders
Sustainable Development Goals Linking food system, nutrition and sustainable agriculture in the same goal is an indication of the food-based approach to nutrition
Create healthy food environments as they have great potential to improve eating patterns
After ICN2 – Africa Actions Nutrition gap programming analysis at regional and country level in relation to Food Systems and ICN – 2 framework for action Technical support and follow up on country implementation of commitments and recommendations identifying high impact policy options to make the food systems more nutrition-sensitive Improving agricultural productivity and food diversity Promoting healthy eating to make healthy choices more available, affordable and attractive
Linkages between SDGs, Food Systems and Nutrition Targets Capitalize the ICN-2 framework for action when translating SDG into action at country level Mobilize political, financial and technical resources for accountable implementation Integrate nutrition indicators into all SDG M&E framework
Akinwumi Adesina - President of Africa Development Bank FAO DG Jose Graziano da Silva We must recognize that nutrition is a public issue. And treat it that way. On Rome Declaration on Nutrition and Framework for Action Together, they are the starting point of our renewed efforts to improve nutrition for all. But they are not the finishing line. Our responsibility is to transform the commitment into concrete results. Akinwumi Adesina - President of Africa Development Bank “We need to think big and we have. We need to act big and we will and we need to pool all our efforts together and we will” © UN Photo/Amanda Voisard ©FAO/©Alessandra Benedetti Africa Nutrition Champion - King Letsie III Called for increased government investment in nutrition and the need to do things differently in the post 2015 development era. ©FAO/©Giulio Napolitano