Managing behaviour at home and school Parents’ forum,
The support of parents is essential to promote good behaviour in school, and open and clear communication is key to this. Good behaviour management systems start from recognition of and reward for positive behaviour.
Our school rules
Rewards – stickers and stamps Stickers and stamps will be used by teaching staff to reward good behaviour and work.
Rewards – behaviour chart Every classroom has a behaviour chart, allowing children to move up and down for good or bad behaviour during the course of the day. All children start on green, and can move to bronze, silver then gold 3 times on bronze in a week = bronze certificate 2 times on silver = silver certificate 1 time on gold = gold certificate, and Friday lunch on the gold table
Rewards - certificates Bronze, silver and gold certificates are given out in year group assemblies. A ‘Star of the Week’ certificate is awarded for one child in each class, and given out in whole school assembly on Friday.
Rewards – ‘Always Tea Party’ At the end of each term, teachers choose one child p/class who always behaves well to go to the ‘Always Tea Party’ with the Head, Deputy and/or phase leaders.
Rewards – house points Every class has a house points chart; children earn house points for good work or group behaviour. The ‘House Points Cup’ will be awarded in whole school assembly on Friday for the house that has won the most points that week. At the end of each term, the house with most overall points receives extra playtime. House points start at zero at the start of every half term.
Rewards – extra house points Particularly good work may be sent to the phase leader for an extra house point. The phase leader may then send on to the Head or Deputy for another extra house point and … …recording in the Green Book, and a formal letter of congratulation sent home.
Rewards – website and newsletter On the website: stars of the week house point cup winners, and overall leaders On the first newsletter of each term: Always Tea Party
Sanctions – behaviour chart Yellow = warning. Orange = reflection sheet in class, shared with parent by class teacher at the end of day. Red = to phase leader; another reflection sheet, and letter home.
Beyond the behaviour chart – Red Book At phase leaders’ discretion, children on red can be sent to HT/DH for further discussion and possibly recording in the Red Book. HT/DH to speak to parents at the end of the day.
Beyond the behaviour chart – target chart If a child has been in the Red Book 3 times, they may have a target chart:
Beyond the behaviour chart – PSP
Beyond the behaviour chart – Inclusion Plan If a child is still having difficulties with behaviour after having a PSP, they may have an Inclusion Plan: similar to PSP, but with external support and assessment (inclusion team, EP etc.) on to SEND register if not before now?
Sanctions – playtime and lunchtime Time out At discretion of those on duty – 5 mins time out, or… …exclusion from the MUGA Detention For serious incidents – Red and beyond: Children may spend the first 15/20 mins of the next lunchtime in detention with SLT. Reflection sheet, letter of apology, and letter home to parents. 3 times in detention = name in Red Book.
Helping at home Encouragement and rewards for the positive. Discouragement and sanctions for the negative. The support of parents is essential to promote good behaviour in school … and open and clear communication is key to this.