Today’s Topics Hartford Iron site assessment Cleanup to date Cleanup steps to come What can you do
This presentation summarizes information from The public record on Hartford Iron Available at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s Virtual File Cabinet
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Agreed Order March 2009
Violations Handling wastes in a way that creates a threat to human health or the environment Open dumping of automotive fluids, oil, fuel, battery acid, soil piles, and solid waste Inappropriate disposal of waste tires
Violations Open burning Storm water pollution Failure to submit required paperwork
Agreed Order Requirements Stop open burning Stop dumping Handle waste tires correctly Pay a $5,000 penalty
Agreed Order Requirements Site assessment If contaminants are found, Hartford Iron must remediate each contaminated area to closure
Site Assessment – sampling grid
Site Assessment – soil contaminants found above Indiana standards Above industrial closure levels: arsenic, benzene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, butylbenzylphthalate, copper, lead, thallium, toluene, total petroleum hydrocarbons, extended-range organics, and PCBs Above residential closure levels: Petroleum hydrocarbons, butylbenzylphthalate, naphthalene, 2- methylnaphthalene, antimony, barium, cadmium, mercury, nickel, selenium, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, and cyanide.
Example soil samples with high concentrations Contaminant In parts per million (ppm) Hartford Iron 2015 Resident Screening level 2015 Industrial Screening level Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Benzo(a)anthracene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(b)fluorathene
Example soil samples with high concentrations Contaminant In parts per million (ppm) Hartford Iron Resident Screening level Industrial Screening level Metals Arsenic Lead29, Thallium
Example soil samples with high concentrations Contaminant In parts per million (ppm) Hartford Iron 2015 Resident Screening level 2015 Industrial Screening level Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) AR AR AR AR
Example ground water samples Contaminant In parts per billion (ppb) Hartford Iron 2015 Resident Screening level Location (grid #) Benzene ,2,4-timethylbenzene Lead Cadmium18527 PCBs3.42, , 27
PCB contamination triggered EPA involvement
Additional Requirements PCB soil remediation at Hartford Iron to 1 part per million (PPM) PCBs are not to exceed 0.1 ug/L (ppb) in storm water leaving Hartford Iron
Remediation to date Aug 2010 soil piles removed 2010 asphalt cap on the area of highest soil contamination (grids 23 & 30) 2011 dams and berms to guide storm water 2011 sediment traps at exits
Remediation to date 2012 holding tanks and filtration for storm water 2012Hartford Iron purchased 605 Chestnut St Oct 2015 excavation of grid squares 42 & 43
Remediation to date - summary Soil piles removed Asphalt cap over the most contaminated soil Partial control of storm water Partial excavation of contaminated soil
Remediation Still to Come Permanent storm water solution More excavation Ground water monitoring
What follows is environmental health information. It does not come from the Hartford Iron public record.
Contaminated soil is moved by wind, storm water, and vehicles
Contaminated soil can contaminate ground water
Recommendations Wash your hands before eating, drinking, smoking or feeding children Wash children’s hands and faces often, especially before eating Make sure any toy or utensil a child puts in his or her mouth is clean
Recommendations Keep windows and doors closed when it’s windy or when Hartford Iron is making lots of dust Remove shoes when entering the house Wipe dirt off of pets’ feet before they enter the house
Recommendations Wet mop floors and wet wipe surfaces frequently to remove dust Vacuum carpets, rugs and upholstery
Recommendations If you grow fruits or vegetables, wash them very carefully & consider testing your soil Wear gloves when working outside