Kim Campbell Extreme lack of photographs due to sheer laziness on my behalf okay, it’s more like a complete lack of them. It is. But Kim Campbell is decently pretty. Just so you know.
Before Politics Host of CBC’s Junior Television Club Attended Prince of Wales Secondary School- first female student president Obtained BA degree in Political Sciences and her LL.B Lecturer
Rise to Power Member of the Vancouver School Board Social Credit Party Joined the Progressive Conservative Party- 1988
Member of the British Columbia Legislative Assembly Ran as Progressive Conservative in Vancouver Centre Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Minister Of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Minister of National Defence and Minister of Veterans Affairs-1993
Brian Mulroney retired from politics Campbell won the Progressive Conservative leadership convention –became PM– June
As Prime Minister Cut the size of the cabinet Consolidated ministries Attended G-7 Summit
End of Her Term Campbell called election for September 1993 Conservatives lost election because – Brian Mulroney’s unpopularity – The Chretien attack ad – Campbell’s honesty – Conservative support moved to the Reform Party and The Bloc
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