What is your nationality? TOPIC What is your nationality?
1 2 I wish I were what I was when I wished I were what I am. TONGUE TWISTER 1 I wish I were what I was when I wished I were what I am. 2 How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans?
What is a person from this country called? LESSON In the Chinese language What is a person from this country called? 中国 Place 中国人 Person Just add人
What is a person from this country called? LESSON In the English language What is a person from this country called? Canada Place Canadian Adjective China Place Chinan or Chinian Adjective What is a suffix? Just add人
LESSON A World Traveller Sherlock loves to travel the world and he has visited nearly every country in the world. Here are a few people that Sherlock has met along the way.
LESSON A World Traveller When he went to Australia, he met his best friend, Anton. Sherlock often sends postcards to his _______(Australia) friend.
LESSON A World Traveller On the flight to Vietnam, Sherlock met a _______(Vietnam) friend named Autumn. She was very interesting and they talked for the entire flight.
LESSON A World Traveller Sherlock wanted to explore a different culture so he decided to go to Pakistan. At a coffee shop, he drank a cup of coffee with his new ________(Pakistan) friend named Whitney.
LESSON A World Traveller Then, Sherlock flew to England hoping to meet the Queen of England. Instead, he met a wonderful _______(England) friend named Falcon.
LESSON A World Traveller Finally, Sherlock wanted to visit the beaches of Greece and there he met three crazy ______(Greece) students named Wolf, Anthony, and Tony.
1 2 -an LESSON Nationalities American Canadian Mexican 墨西哥人 Brazilian 巴西人 Austrian 奥地利 Italian 意大利人 German 德国人 Russian 俄国人 Indian 印度人 Korean 朝鲜人 Iranian 伊朗的人 Egyptian 埃及人 Country Adjective/Person 1 America India Korea American Indian Korean 2 My best friend, Lisa, is Korean. Origin – The suffix -an is the most common suffix in the English language and was borrowed directly from Latin to indicate a place. Tip – If you’re not 100% sure, guess -an
1 2 -ese LESSON Nationalities Chinese Japanese 日本人 Vietnamese 越南人 Portuguese 葡萄牙人 Sudanese 苏丹人 Country Adjective/Person 1 China Portugal? Sudan? Chinese Portuguese Sudanese 2 Last night, I met a very interesting Portuguese man. Origin – Countries with suffixes ending in -ese are found everywhere in the world in Asia, Africa, South America. It is the most common suffix in Italian francese (French) and its usage in English is a result of the voyages of Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus. Tip – If it was visited by Marco Polo or Christopher Columbus, it might end in -ese
PRACTICE Complete the chart Nationality Tip Italy? Iran? Brazil? –an 1 2 Japan? Portugal? Sudan? –ese 3 4
1 2 -ish LESSON Nationalities Danish 丹麦的人 English英国人 Finnish 芬兰人 Irish爱尔兰的人 Swedish 瑞典人 Country Adjective/Person 1 England? Sweden? Denmark? English Swedish Danish 2 I feel like eating some English food for dinner. Origin – The suffix –ish is a common suffix in German meaning “belonging to”. All countries that use –ish are found in Northern Europe. Tip – If it is in Northern Europe, it might end in -ish
1 2 -i LESSON Nationalities Emirati 阿联酋人 Iraqi 伊拉克人 Israeli 以色列人 Pakistani 巴基斯坦人 Saudi 沙特人 Yemeni 也门人 Bangladeshi 孟加拉人 Country Adjective/Person 1 Israel? Saudi Arabia? United Arab Emirates? Israeli Saudi Emirati 2 My father is Saudi and my mother is Emirati. Origin – Nearly all countries with the –i suffix are found in the Middle East. In Arabic, it refers to “belonging to” and most countries in the Middle East use Arabic as their primary language. Tip – If it’s in the Middle East, the suffix is probably -i
PRACTICE Complete the chart Nationality Tip –an –ese Ireland? Finland? Sweden? –ish 1 2 Pakistan? Yemen? Iraq? –i 3 4
1 2 other LESSON Nationalities French 法国人 Greek 希腊人 Thai 泰人 Swiss 瑞士人 Country Adjective/Person 1 France? Greece? Switzerland? French Greek Swiss 2 My girlfriend is Swiss. Origin – Some countries have a unique way to indicate a person from that country. There is no easy to remember except to memorize each suffix. Tip – There are no tips.
PRACTICE Complete the chart Nationality Tip –an –ese –ish –i Turkey? Thailand? Iceland? other 1 2
PRACTICE SCENARIOS 1 Michael is from the Middle East/Africa. His country is famous for large pyramids and ancient civilizations. Michael is ________? 2 Cooper was born in Southern Europe(Spain) but his mother is from Germany. It’s very easy for Cooper to visit Germany on the train. Cooper is ________? 3 Willow is very proud of her native country. It was the home of the man that is credited with discovering the Americas. Willow is ________?
1 2 3 GAME Each team will send one person to the front of the class. When the students are ready, the teacher will show a card with the name of a country. The first student to correctly write the correct name(legibly) identifying a person from that country will earn one point for their team. 3 The student who answered correctly will stay at the front of the class and the three remaining students will return to their seats. Three new students will then come to the front. Team Yellow Team Blue Team Red Team Green