Cognitive test Results Mobility Question By LYDIA MOTHIBELI 6 th Annual meeting of WG Uganda Lesotho Cognitive test Lesotho Cognitive test
A total of 25 respondents were interviewed. This 25 was purposively selected and it included people with and without different disabilities. Respondents from Disability Institutions and Households were interviewed. The interview occurred where the respondents were staying, and not from the office. The respondents were asked all the questions, and if there were people who were staying with the disabled they were asked proxy questions. Only the Urban residents were interviewed, as it was not easy to get to the Rural Mountains. Lesotho Cognitive test How was the pre-test conducted
There were 48 % females and 52 % males selected. 68 % of the respondents were in age group and 32 % were in age group % of the respondents had None or Primary education, 24 % have reached High school level and 12 % had education above High school. Majority (48 %) of the respondents had household income less than €150 per month, and 32 % earned between €150 and €300. About 20 % earned between €300 and €1000 per month. There were no respondents earning more than €1000 per month. Lesotho Cognitive test Demographic characteristics of the sample
Results on the mobility question Self Report About 60 % of the responses are falling in category A indicating a Non problematic Response Patterns. 20 % of the responses are falling in category B which is also a Non problematic Response Patterns. There is only 4 % responses which is in category D and 16 % responses in category N, showing a Borderline Response Patterns. There are no responses for mobility question which are falling in the Problematic Response Patterns. Lesotho Cognitive test
Results on the mobility question Proxy Report 16 % of the responses are falling in category A, showing a Non problematic Response Patterns. For category B, 12 % of the responses, are also showing a Non problematic Response Patterns. 8 % of the responses are falling in category N, indicating a Borderline Response Patterns. There are about 64 % of missing responses for Proxy report on this question. Lesotho Cognitive test
Findings on the mobility question Majority of the responses are falling in category A and B and there are about 8 % of responses falling in Category N. This shows that the questionnaire was understood and it is showing consistency. About 64 % of responses are missing in the proxy report, the reason being that; 1. Some respondent were not disabled Lesotho Cognitive test
Findings on the mobility question cont 2. Some were staying alone, so there were no one to ask. 3. Some refused to carry on with the questions. The responses which fell in Category N is because the respondent were all blind. Lesotho Cognitive test
Discussions and interpretations of the results Why did the question work? The questions were easy and straight forward especially this one on Mobility. Mostly is because of the way the introduction was done, that they were told that some question will look strange and seems to be repetitive. Many surveys are being done in our country so the respondents are used to that. Our people are poor so they believe that if they answered well they may be given something in return. Urban residents understand easily as compared to Rural residents who most of them are illiterate Lesotho Cognitive test
Discussions and interpretations of the results cont Problems encountered Education played a big role, as it was easy for those educated to understand the questions without the interviewers repeating. Age was also important as younger people understood well as compared to the older people. The questionnaire was too long and some people were irritated with that especially those older and those without disability. Lesotho Cognitive test
Discussions and interpretations of the results cont The question on ‘why did you answer that way’ was the one which was giving a lot of troubles as people did not understand it and needed clarifications on. The N category is made up of ‘Yes’ on “Disability,Aid and Problem walking distance” and a ‘No’ on “Problem Step, Stand, Sit OR Stoop”. So it was mostly the blind respondents falling in this category as they responded as being disabled, and using Aid but don’t have problems with step, stand, sit OR stoop’. Lesotho Cognitive test
Discussions and interpretations of the results cont From interviewer’s debriefings it was found that older people are used to questions being repeated, and also it was easy to interview educated and younger people. Lesotho Cognitive test