ACTION PLAN Breakout Group No: 2 Group Members: Steve Roberts, Juan Arturo Raygaza, Dennis Brown, Jose Flores Garnica, Jorge Nieves Frausto, Jamie Villa, Gary Smith, Ben Moody, Fred Beall, Zhiliang Zhou, Mary Dix NAFC Integrated Working Groups Meeting – March 2008
Theme/Issue and Outcomes Theme/Issue Description: Improvement of sharing/access to each working group’s information/data between all working groups. Expected Outcomes: Full inventory of available information and identification of data gaps Avoiding duplication of data collection & sharing collection costs/efforts Better decisions based on better information (consistency, harmonized assessments, cross-border transparency)
ActivitiesTime line/ Resources Responsible - Define task group members - Create inventory template - Template completion - Inventory completion and consolidation report - Annual review and update Mar. 31, 2008 Sep. 15, 2008 Mar. 31, 2009 Jun. 30, 2009 ongoing WGs nominate Task group WGs Task group BOA and integrated WG meeting Timeline
Monitoring Plan How will you know you are achieving proposed outcomes? Each WG has incorporated theme-related activities in their workplan Annual review and updates Who will check? Task group leader BOA and WGs
Communication Plan Communication Mechanisms: Members - and conference calls and 1 workshop Coordination with other Working Groups and BOA will be achieved through the task group (which represents each of the participating WGs) The task group will produce a report and web materials for distribution to the WGs and BOA. Tools to support your efforts: None required