Armin Müller Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft Ernährung, Weinbau und Forsten Rheinland-Pfalz WISE Water Information System.


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Presentation transcript:

Armin Müller Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft Ernährung, Weinbau und Forsten Rheinland-Pfalz WISE Water Information System for Europe Data management in Germany with regards to European reporting requirements

 Better information needed to support policies  Improvement of existing information flows  Differentiation across regions to be considered  Revision of approach to reporting and monitoring, moving to concept of sharing of information Directives, initiatives and systems …the path is the goal

Directive xx - WISE - INSPIRE  The views of the different EU bodies are converging, but are not common yet.  Difference between formal compliance reporting and WISE process. Compliance aspect causes confusion, defensive attitude and “fears”.  Too many processes, projects, interests – management challenging, leadership essential  Too many experts talking about different things, no common language.  WISE will be an opportunity for MS to present themselves in the European context.  Joint process of EU bodies and MS is crucial for success  WISE conceptually fully integrated in wider environmental reporting discussion (incl. INSPIRE)  WISE is a complex process to manage, it needs positive commitment if we were to succeed  WISE will be, what we want it to be and what we make out of it! European Commission, DG Environment Unit D.2 – Water and Marine, WFD Team January 2006

Needs Better information needed to support policies Improvement of existing information flows Differentiation across regions to be considered Revision of approach to reporting and monitoring, moving to concept of sharing of information Situation in Europe Data policy restrictions –pricing, copyright, access rights, licensing policy Lack of co-ordination –across boarders and between levels of government Lack of standards –incompatible information and information systems Existing data not re-usable –fragmentation of information, redundancy, inability to integrate DIRECTIVE 2007/2/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)

Reporting obligations high aggregated high aggregated Report level high detailed Work level

INSPIRE INSPIRE is a Framework Directive  INSPIRE lays down general rules to establish an infrastructure for spatial information for the purposes of Community environmental policies and Policies/activities which may have an impact on the environment  INSPIRE does not require collection of new data (electronic format)  INSPIRE covers 34 Spatial Data Themes laid down in 3 Annexes  Spatial data held by or on behalf of a public authority operating down to the lowest level of government when laws or regulations require their collection or dissemination

INSPIRE Data objects Metadata Semantic Data sharing Delivery mechanism Data sercices

FD - WISE - INSPIRE Geometric consistency High level semantic and logical consistency Topological consistency Semantic consistency Logical consistency Harmonised spatial data specifications  Common system of unique identifiers for spatial objects  Relationship between spatial objects  Key attributes and multilingual thesauri  How to exchange the temporal dimension of data  Updates exchange  Consistency between items referring to the same location  Consistency between information referring to the same object at different scales

FD – Process of planning Map Doc. Map Doc. Map Doc. Map Doc. Spatial planning - Land use planning - Risk prevention - Water management - Data - Reporting sheets - Format for reporting/exchange Visualisaton of flood maps

FD - WISE - INSPIRE CA/UoM ReportingSheet Hazard/Risk.Maps Areas of floodrisk 2012 Entwurf XML-Schnittstelle FD Flood hazard/risk-maps Implementing rule (Risk Zones) Reporting of geographical Information Web-Links to MS with detailed maps Flood risk management plan Areas of floodrisk Flood hazard/risk-maps Flood risk management plan FD – INSPIRE until 2015 slightly crosslinked FD – INSPIRE full harmonisation Deadline Data services Delivery mechanism WISE shared and distributed system Syncronisation of data bases In line with the INSPIRE Directive Compatible with EIONET and Reportnet Draft Implementing rule

WISE COM ICxx... Member State National Level Reporting Interface BL FD - WISE Regional Level IKSR IKSMS National WG National WG Data, Web-Links RS, XML-Schema Template Code List Template consolidation WFD, UWWT,... Corinne GMES...

EU level National level Regional level Data management FD - WISE - INSPIRE Database Data management RS Templates XML-Schema Member State 2015 from 2016  2020 Member State WISE COM WISE COM WISE COM Interoperability Reporting Interface RS Templates XML-Schema INSPIRE Data services Delivery mechanism INSPIRE Interface Data management INSPIRE Interface INSPIRE Data services Delivery mechanism INSPIRE Data services Delivery mechanism Database Data management INSPIRE Interface

Formal requirements acc. INSPIRE Directive  potential for providing datasets Requirements Art.4 are fulfilled Reporting obligation of directive or agreement Member State Cross border dataset National dataset Regional dataset Coherence and adequate crosslinking with Implementing Rule dataset relevant for EU level Provide INSPIRE compliant First priority Directives / agreements Cross Border (MS involved more than 1) National (nationwide) National (subdivision) regional Yes No Yes Updating Data Specification Coordination in the maintenance process No dataset INSPIRE compliant demand ( Required ) (EU) MS regional local No Provide INSPIRE compliant Second priority Yes first no priority No Coordination-International / National Identification of the data set field of application Information Enforcement Planning Interoperability Taxonomies synonym classes Scale level,... Privacy requirements etc. requirements from Provide of standardized Web services (W3C, OGC) datasets acc. Themes Annex I - III Flowchart for classification and evolution the datasets for INSPIRE-compliant providing Providing via standardized web services (OGC, W3C) are not affected FD – INSPIRE full harmonisation – Deadline 2020 FD - WISE - INSPIRE