Publicly recognize outstanding scholastic achievement of high school seniors in the state of Utah. Cash Award › $250 for 2 State Runners-Up › $1000 for State Sterling Scholar › Additional $1500 for General Sterling Scholar Tuition Waivers/Scholarships from Utah colleges.
Fremont High Sterling Scholar Nominees Regional Sterling Scholar Finalists State Sterling Scholar Winners
EnglishPat Thorpe (B213) MathematicsMrs. Johnson(B105) Social ScienceMs. Monson (B210) ScienceMr. Balliff (B120) Foreign LanguageMrs. Walker (B205) Computer TechnologyColleen Merrill (B204) Trade & Technical Education Mr. Demorest (Aqua Center) Family & Consumer ScienceMrs. Brooks (B115) Business & MarketingColleen Merrill (B204) Speech & DramaMrs. Obray (Annex #5) Visual ArtsMrs. Montierth (A104) MusicMr. Anderson (E106) DanceDeAnn Thorpe (F125)
Each department will have their own selection process. Speak to the assigned teacher: › What do I need to do to compete? Applications Interviews Binders Auditions
Graduating with the Class of 2012 Seniors who attend college are eligible You may compete for more than one category › O NLY REPRESENT ONLY ONE CATEGORY FOR F REMONT H IGH S CHOOL.
Overall Scholarship (25 points) › Overall G.P.A. › Difficulty of Courses/Schedule › ACT Scores › Class Ranking Category Scholarship (25 points) › Talent & Aptitude in subject area 50 Points Total
Responsibilities placed on the student by his/her teachers & peers › Officer/Leadership roles within clubs, sports, etc. Evidence of positive influence with fellow students 25 Points Total
Seeking out service opportunities: › Service to school › Service within the community Long-Term Service Commitment 25 Points Total
Portfolios › Will create a portfolio that demonstrates your aptitude for the category & achievements. Interviews › ALL NOMINEES MUST BE PRESENT AT THE ASSIGNED TIME & PLACE FOR THE INTERVIEWS. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS! Region: Wednesday, February 15, 2011 State: Wednesday, February 29, 2011
Speak with the teacher assigned to the category you want to compete.