Hindu Worship
Worship Hindus believe that worship = good karma Veda scriptures encourage Hindus to worship One Supreme God (Brahman), but this might be done through focusing on one of his many associated gods By worshipping god/goddess thought that wished will be realized and good karma attained Hindus worship in temples called mandirs They are often dedicated to and regarded as the home of a particular god or goddess
Buildings designed to represent order of universe Temple is object of worship itself – every part being holy and treated with respect It will have the sacred symbol Om representing Brahman – source of all existence Hindus perform daily prayer (puja) at the mandir of at shrines within their home
Practices Worship in Mandir Pandit (priest) leads prayer several times throughout the day During worship congregation sits on the floor facing shrine Congregation will sign hymns, listen to songs of praise, listen to lecture based on scripture Ritual fire burned Tray passed in front of God for collection
Worship In home Most important for most Hindus as this is done daily Five daily duties: –Worship god –Study scriptures –Meditate of teachings of important Hindus –Provide food for those in need –Treat guest with love respect and reverence Most Hindus have a shrine in their home consisting of an image of a god or goddess (statue, photo, etc..)
Worship aids Hindus were he first to use prayer beads – used to count number of mantras that have been said and when repeating names of gods/goddess Mandalas used to represent the geometric designs of the universe –Serve as collections points for universal forces ad used in meditation