AMPS 2 Analysis and Monitoring of Priority Substances and Chemical Pollutants Second Meeting 31.1.03 Ispra Review of Actions.


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Presentation transcript:

AMPS 2 Analysis and Monitoring of Priority Substances and Chemical Pollutants Second Meeting Ispra Review of Actions

Summary report of AMPS 1 Document EAF (3)-08/02/IES Draft summary report from the first AMPS meeting on Review of drafting groups and deliverables 3 drafting groups established

1 page table with existing analytical methods for priority substances in water Prepared by drafting group, commented by AMPS, finalised Drafting group 1 Table of analytical methods

AMPS key deliverable 1 (Jan 2003)

Document with identification of needs for further development and harmonisation Input to CEN (agreed between DG ENV, JRC, CEN) Drafting group 2 New analytical methods

Analytical determination of substance groups Proposal for Indicator Substances and Analytical Methods SCCP Brominated Diphenylethers Alkylphenols Draft is prepared, commenting by AMPS until AMPS key deliverable 2 (Jan 2003)

Document with table of available reference materials for priority substances Drafting group 3 Reference materials

Documents delivered by JRC IRMM IRMM BG-CRMS for AMPS (4-Apr-2002) IRMM ORCA Conceptual paper1 Available on CIRCA Finalisation in drafting group AMPS commenting AMPS deliverable 3

Natural geogen background concentrations of metals Sampling and analysis of sediments and Suspended Particulate Matter Clarification from EAF on specific questions to be provided Specific questions by EAF/DG ENV

Environmental Metal Background Concentrations Information has been provided by AMPS members and through JRC IES Further action to be discussed today

Suspended Particulate Matter Information on suspended particulate matter has been provided by AMPS members and JRC IES Publications, Monographs have been collected Specific experts have been contacted Further action to be discussed today

CIS WG 2.7 Monitoring Common Implementation Strategy Workgroup on Guidance for Monitoring Group lead by EEA/Italy Final Document on Guidance for Monitoring Document approved by Water Directors (Nov 2002) Available on CIRCA

> chemical compounds: Industrial, consumer, pharmaca, personal care, etc. Prioritisation of chemical compounds

> chemical compounds: Industrial, consumer, pharmaca, personal care, etc. Prioritisation of chemical compounds Alachlor Atrazine Benzene Brominated Diphenylethers C10-13 Chloroalkanes Chlorfenvinphos Chlorpyrifos Dichloromethane Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Diuron Endosulfan Isoproturon Lead and its compounds Mercury and its compounds Nickel and its compounds Nonylphenols Octylphenols Pentachlorobenzene Pentachlorophenol Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons Fluoranthene Simazine Tributyltin compounds Trifluralin Cadmium and compouds 1,2-Dichloroethane Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadien Hexachlorocyclohexane Mercury and its compounds Pentachlorophenol Trichlorobenzene Trichloromethane WFD priority substances

> chemical compounds: Industrial, consumer, pharmaca, personal care, etc. Prioritisation of chemical compounds DDT and metabolites (DDD, DDE) Aldrin Dieldrin Endrin Isodrin Carbon tetrachloride Perchloroethylene Trichloroethylen Alachlor Atrazine Benzene Brominated Diphenylethers C10-13 Chloroalkanes Chlorfenvinphos Chlorpyrifos Dichloromethane Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Diuron Endosulfan Isoproturon Lead and its compounds Mercury and its compounds Nickel and its compounds Nonylphenols Octylphenols Pentachlorobenzene Pentachlorophenol Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons Simazine Tributyltin compounds Trifluralin Cadmium and compouds 1,2-Dichloroethane Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadien Hexachlorocyclohexane Mercury and its compounds Pentachlorophenol Trichlorobenzene Trichloromethane WFD priority substances 76/464 Dangerous Substances Directive

> chemical compounds: Industrial, consumer, pharmaca, personal care, etc. Prioritisation of chemical compounds DDT and metabolites (DDD, DDE) Aldrin Dieldrin Endrin Isodrin Carbon tetrachloride Perchloroethylene Trichloroethylen Alachlor Atrazine Benzene Brominated Diphenylethers C10-13 Chloroalkanes Chlorfenvinphos Chlorpyrifos Dichloromethane Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Diuron Endosulfan Isoproturon Lead and its compounds Mercury and its compounds Nickel and its compounds Nonylphenols Octylphenols Pentachlorobenzene Pentachlorophenol Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons Simazine Tributyltin compounds Trifluralin Cadmium and compouds 1,2-Dichloroethane Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadien Hexachlorocyclohexane Mercury and its compounds Pentachlorophenol Trichlorobenzene Trichloromethane WFD priority substances 76/464 Dangerous Substances Directive OSPAR, ECB, BKH ED list, DWD, other pollutants lists

> chemical compounds: Industrial, consumer, pharmaca, personal care, etc. Prioritisation of chemical compounds DDT and metabolites (DDD, DDE) Aldrin Dieldrin Endrin Isodrin Carbon tetrachloride Perchloroethylene Trichloroethylen Alachlor Atrazine Benzene Brominated Diphenylethers C10-13 Chloroalkanes Chlorfenvinphos Chlorpyrifos Dichloromethane Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Diuron Endosulfan Isoproturon Lead and its compounds Mercury and its compounds Nickel and its compounds Nonylphenols Octylphenols Pentachlorobenzene Pentachlorophenol Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons Simazine Tributyltin compounds Trifluralin Cadmium and compouds 1,2-Dichloroethane Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadien Hexachlorocyclohexane Mercury and its compounds Pentachlorophenol Trichlorobenzene Trichloromethane WFD priority substances 76/464 Dangerous Substances Directive River basin specific pollutants OSPAR, ECB, BKH ED list, DWD, other pollutants lists

> chemical compounds: Industrial, consumer, pharmaca, personal care, etc. Prioritisation of chemical compounds DDT and metabolites (DDD, DDE) Aldrin Dieldrin Endrin Isodrin Carbon tetrachloride Perchloroethylene Trichloroethylen Alachlor Atrazine Benzene Brominated Diphenylethers C10-13 Chloroalkanes Chlorfenvinphos Chlorpyrifos Dichloromethane Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Diuron Endosulfan Isoproturon Lead and its compounds Mercury and its compounds Nickel and its compounds Nonylphenols Octylphenols Pentachlorobenzene Pentachlorophenol Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons Simazine Tributyltin compounds Trifluralin Cadmium and compouds 1,2-Dichloroethane Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadien Hexachlorocyclohexane Mercury and its compounds Pentachlorophenol Trichlorobenzene Trichloromethane WFD priority substances 76/464 Dangerous Substances Directive River basin specific pollutants OSPAR, ECB, BKH ED list, DWD, other pollutants lists

Identification of river basin specific pollutants Member States need to identify river basin specific contaminants Identification is done via: Analysis of substance production, consumption, emission, etc. and Chemical Analysis Need for development and harmonisation of non-target analytical methods !

Review of Priority Substance list Emerging Chemicals COMMPS follow-up Need of monitoring data for risk asessment Need of database for monitoring data with sufficient quality and geographical spreading Analytical methods, pilot monitoring Review of Priority Substance list by: Nov 2004 ! Collaboration: DG ENV, AMPS, EEA, OSPAR, etc.

> chemical compounds: Industrial, consumer, pharmaca, personal care, etc. Prioritisation of chemical compounds DDT and metabolites (DDD, DDE) Aldrin Dieldrin Endrin Isodrin Carbon tetrachloride Perchloroethylene Trichloroethylen Alachlor Atrazine Benzene Brominated Diphenylethers C10-13 Chloroalkanes Chlorfenvinphos Chlorpyrifos Dichloromethane Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Diuron Endosulfan Isoproturon Lead and its compounds Mercury and its compounds Nickel and its compounds Nonylphenols Octylphenols Pentachlorobenzene Pentachlorophenol Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons Simazine Tributyltin compounds Trifluralin Cadmium and compouds 1,2-Dichloroethane Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadien Hexachlorocyclohexane Mercury and its compounds Pentachlorophenol Trichlorobenzene Trichloromethane WFD priority substances 76/464 Dangerous Substances Directive River basin specific pollutants OSPAR, ECB, BKH ED list, DWD, other pollutants lists

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