Romans 12:1-2 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.
2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:1-2
Spiritual Worship Romans 12:1-2
Romans 12:1 - Translations I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. ESV
…which is your spiritual service of worship. NASV …which is your spiritual service of worship. NASV …for this is the reasonable way for you to worship. ISV …for this is the reasonable way for you to worship. ISV …this is truly the way to worship him. NLT …this is truly the way to worship him. NLT
Elements of verse 1 Therefore Therefore I urge you I urge you Present Present Your bodies Your bodies A living sacrifice A living sacrifice Your spiritual worship Your spiritual worship
Worship… comes from the Anglo-Saxon weorthscipe, which then was modified to worthship, and finally to worship. comes from the Anglo-Saxon weorthscipe, which then was modified to worthship, and finally to worship. Worship means “to attribute worth” to something or someone. Worship means “to attribute worth” to something or someone. To worship is to respond to God - God is the audience and He watches always. To worship is to respond to God - God is the audience and He watches always.
Traditional Worship Five acts Five acts They must be done correctly They must be done correctly They are not to be mixed They are not to be mixed They identify “the church” They identify “the church”
Traditional View of Worship “If I am physically present when assemblies occur, I am faithful.” Faithfulness is a matter of physical presence in a weekly worship assembly if the appropriate acts occur in the appropriate ways. The ways “I live my daily life” are unrelated to worship. The ways “I live each day” are not a worship consideration. Worship and daily existence are distinctly different considerations.” “If I am physically present when assemblies occur, I am faithful.” Faithfulness is a matter of physical presence in a weekly worship assembly if the appropriate acts occur in the appropriate ways. The ways “I live my daily life” are unrelated to worship. The ways “I live each day” are not a worship consideration. Worship and daily existence are distinctly different considerations.”
Spiritual Worship "Worship is an existence, not an event." "Worship is an existence, not an event."
Spiritual Worship is Living Sacrifice Permit me to state it simply, yet emphatically: In every relationship and circumstance of life, be God's living sacrifice. In every relationship and circumstance of life, be God's living sacrifice.
On the Throne Antagonistic toward God A lack of zeal for God’s interests No pain when God’s interests are disregarded Spiritual Epicureanism Lack of interest in others Unwillingness to be responsible for improvement in worship
On the Altar Sympathy for God’s sacrifice What pleases God Pain when God’s interests are disregarded Self-denial Great concern for others Living sacrifice