Some background information The Woman Warrior
Filial Piety: Primary duty of all Chinese Sons: complete obedience to parents, taking care of them in their old age. After death, eldest son was required to perform ritual sacrifices at grave site or ancestral temple. Show devotion to parents by winning prestige for the whole family through things like jobs, grades Most important, make sure the family line is continued No sons = disaster
Filial Piety: Primary duty of all Chinese (cont) daughters: Women become part of their husband’s family through marriage. Filial conduct = faithfully serving her in-laws (esp. MIL) and giving birth to a son. Fulfilling these duties also gives prestige to her own family. Wife and MIL don’t get along? Husband should get rid of wife to please his mother.
What is Ancestor Worship? Reverence for deceased relatives who are believed to have become powerful spiritual beings or, less frequently, to have attained the status of gods. Belief is that ancestors are active members of society and are still interested in the affairs of their living relatives. Believed to have special powers to influence the course of events or to control the well-being of their living relatives. Protection of the family is one of their main concerns. They are intermediaries between the supreme god/gods and the people.
More on Ancestor Worship They can communicate with living through dreams and by possession. Attitude toward them is one of mixed fear and reverence. If neglected, the ancestors may cause disease and other misfortunes. How to communicate with them? Prayer, sacrifice. Ancestor worship shows strong ties between the past and present and underscores values like filial piety, family loyalty, and continuity of the family lineage.
Yet more on ancestor worship Begins with the funeral Toothbrush, comb, towel, shoes, water, even computers! After funeral, daily or twice daily offerings are made on a home altar. May include necessities and luxuries: deceased favorite foods, wine, “spirit money” Family members bow in respect before the altar. Home altar: includes a photograph of the ancestor, commemorative plaque and cups for offerings. Usually taken down after 49 days
Final info on Ancestor Worship After altar taken down: Ancestors are believed to dwell in commemorative tablets. Pieces of wood inscribed with the name and dates of the deceased. Kept in a small shrine at home and in the clan temple. Incense is lit before the tablets daily and offerings of food and prostrations are presented twice a month. Weddings and funerals often include elaborate rituals honoring deceased family members. Annual festivals: Ghost Festival and Tomb Sweeping Festival performed at the family cemetery.
Ancestor Worship
Red Eggs and Ginger Party: Baby- Naming Ceremony Gives child his/her name and serves to introduce the baby to the world. Eggs=delicacy in traditional China and usually reserved for special occasions. One month after a child is born, hard-boiled eggs (symbolizing fertility) are dyed red (for good luck) and given to family, friends and relatives who are honoring the child’s birth. During the party, the baby’s name is given—either a formal name (traditionally chosen by the grandparents or fortune teller) or a “milk name” (a nickname used until school or marriage). Used to be the newborn’s head was shaved during the party
More on Red Eggs and Ginger Baby is then taken around the room of guests to be introduced and admired.
Hua Mu Lan