Neville Norcross
Aspects and Grade Descriptors
The setting The focus The staff The music
Making Amends Forgiveness
Putting Christ back into Christian Collective Worship In some schools inclusivity has meant that worship has been God-centred but without mention of Jesus. This is not Christian worship. The SIAMS schedule says … And even in Community schools the definition of Christian worship, within the government circular states …
What would you include? The ‘environment’ The focal point … and the words of greeting Prayers – e.g. the Lord’s prayer, in Jesus’ name, Amen Songs re Jesus – his life and things he said Values – themes – What is Jesus’ take on this value? Festivals relating to Jesus’ life – clearly dealt with Bible Stories re Jesus – links with RE Visitors who talk about Jesus Things Jesus said …. 10 things Jesus said Keeping the focus on
Long Term - variety and balance Medium Term - diving not surfing? Daily – G – L – R - S
We gather together and greet each other. We all come to play a part in this community. We are preparing to meet with God. How will you set up the room for worship? What will everyone do as they gather together. How will you greet people? Will you say it or sing it or sign it? Will you find a greeting from Psalms in the Bible? How will people know the responses?
We learn about the big things and the little things in life. We find out about Jesus and the stories of the Bible. We are listening for God’s message. Will you teach through the Bible; through stories of Jesus; through God’s people in history or through meeting his people today? Will you tell a story from your own life or from the news? Will you use storytelling; drama; music; images; songs videos or interviews?
We respond to what we have heard and seen. We respond together and as individuals. We are given the opportunity to worship God. Will you sing? Will you pray? Will you spend time thinking or reflecting? Will you do something practical as a response, maybe as a class a whole school, or an individual? Maybe you will do more than one of these things?
We are sent out to love and serve one another and to make a difference in the world. We are all dismissed with God’s Blessing. Will you go out singing or in silence? Will you say a blessing or choose other words of dismissal?
Prayer Public / private prayer Traditional prayers Prayers across the school Staff and governor meetings Interactive prayer
Graffiti Prayers - responding
Christians Believe God is our father Jesus is his son The Holy spirit is God’s special helper Thumbprint Creed
Spiritual Garden, with prayer tree
The centrality of prayer and reflection - responding 32
just tell it – get lost in a story interactive stories hot-seating are you asking the right questions? freeze frame
Max 7 – Free Bible Images – Brick Testament – Twelve Baskets –
Hymn Practice??? – The Singing Assembly Out of the ark music – Fischy Music James Wright –
Handout – 10 ways to evaluate Monitoring Form – x2 Observation guidance
"In the end, worship can never be a performance, something you're pretending or putting on. It's got to be an overflow of your heart...Worship is about getting personal with God, drawing close to God." - Matt Redman