World Religions
Judaism Monotheistic – belief in one god- God Followers – around 10 million - called Hebrews Religious text – Torah – old testament God chose Abraham to be the “father” of the Hebrew people. Rabbi – teacher, leader Main rules – the 10 commandments Main holy days, days of worship – The Sabbath, Passover, Hanukkah, Rosh Hahanah, Yom Kippur
Christianity Monotheistic – belief in one god – God Jesus is the son of God Followers are called Christians 4-6 BC – Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea Pope – Leader of the Christian Church Priests – supervises local churches, teaches Text – the Bible – old and new Testament Holidays – Easter, Christmas, Mass every Sunday The 10 commandments
Islam Monotheistic – Allah is God Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah Followers called Muslims Text – Quran Holy days – Ramadan Laws, ideas – Sharia Law, Jihad, 5 pillars of Islam Hajj – Pilgrimage to Mecca
5 Pillars of Islam 1. Faith and worship in God – Allah - the Muhammad is his messenger 2. Establishment of the daily prayers – 5 times a day facing Mecca 3. Concern for and almsgiving to the needy 4. Self-purification through fasting – Ramadan 5. The pilgrimage to Mecca for those who are able.
Hinduism Polytheistic – many gods Brahma – Creator Vishnu – Protector Shiva – Destroyer No single book – Upanishads – teachers commandments Key ideas – Moksha (like Nirvana) – liberation from suffering and desires Reincarnation Karma Followers are called Hindus
Buddhism Polytheistic – many gods Founded by Siddhartha Gauthama in Nepal ~ 460 BC Called Buddha – ‘enlightened one’ Followers are called Buddhists Key ideas/beliefs – Nirvana (like Moksha) – enlightenment, wisdom Karma Reincarnation 4 noble truths Noble 8 fold path
4 Noble Truths 1. Life is suffering – Dukkha 2. The cause of suffering is desire – Tanha 3. The cure for suffering is to remove desire 4. To remove desire, follow the 8 fold path
8 fold path