Cultivating a Relationship with the Holy Spirit I. How has what we have learned prepared us for a deeper relationship with the Spirit? A. We have learned that the Holy Spirit is God. B. We have learned that the Holy Spirit is a person. C. We have learned that the Holy Spirit is the principal worker in the Church Age.
D. We have learned that the Holy Spirit can be offended. E. We have learned that the Holy Spirit is dwelling within us. F. We have learned that the Holy Spirit is our Comforter, Advocate and Helper. G. We have learned that the Holy Spirit would like to produce His fruit in us. H. We have learned that the Holy Spirit is the power source for all that we do.
I. We have learned that the Holy Spirit has given us supernatural gifts that can assist us in fulfilling our supernatural mission. J. We have learned that the Holy Spirit was given to us so that we could fulfill or finish the work that was begun by Jesus.
II. What must we do to take full benefit of what is available to us through the Holy Spirit? A. We must live our lives yielded to the inner voice of the Holy Spirit. 1. As He convicts us of sin (John 16:8-11). 2. As He leads us into truth (John 16:13). 3. As He purifies or sanctifies our soul (II Th. 2:13).
4. As He guides us in our daily lives (Gal. 5:25). 5. As He prompts us to operate in the gifts of the Spirit (I Cor. 12:7-11).
B. We must ask for the assistance of this Holy Spirit. We need his assistance when we: 1. Read the Bible (I Cor. 2:11-14). 2. Worship God (John 4:24; Phil 3:3). 3. Pray for difficult situations (Rom. 8:26- 27). 4. Share our faith (Acts 1:8). 5. Pray for and minister to the needy (Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38).
C. We must pursue a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit (II Cor. 13:14). Relationships take work. Relationship with the Holy Spirit is no different. 1. We must avoid those things which cause the Spirit grief (Eph. 4:30). 2. We must consciously welcome the Holy Spirit into our daily life. 3. We much continually be filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:18).