Lung Cancer Treatments Symptoms that affect patients during and post treatment
Surgery Post thoracotomy pain. (neuropathic, muscular or bone) Infection Weeping drain site Increased breathlessness Vocal cord Palsy (Weakened or hoarse voice)
Chemotherapy Infection Sore mouth Bruising or bleeding Anaemia Nausea / sickness Hair loss Fatigue Pain in fingers and toes (long term)
Radiotherapy Increased pain Flu like symptoms Cough Gastritis (pain or burning when swallowing ) Tiredness (fatigue) Sunburn type rash where treatment given. Chest pain
Targeted therapies Infection Diarrhoea Acne type rash that can become infected. Fatigue Anorexia
Best Supportive Care Any symptoms can occur. ADVISE Referral to GP, D/N or specialist Palliative care team (Hospice)
What to do next! Any worries or concerns after speaking to the patient following cancer treatment Refer them back to : - Weston Park Hospital ( ) Chatsfield Suite ( ext 6111) DRI- Lung Nurses ( )