C.S. Lewis
The Chronicles of Narnia- A series of 7 Space Trilogy Pilgrims regress The allegory of Love The Screw tape letters
Schooling From early child hood Lewis had always loved reading and writing preferably mythic writings. Tutored by W.T. Kirkpatrick Attended Oxford University
Interesting Facts!!!!! At first he was an Atheist Best Friends with famous Author J.RR.Tolkien Died on the same day president Kennedy was Assassinated. Fought In world war one and, was wounded Two of his books were made into movies
“Lewis's contributions to the world of mythical and fantasy literature and his extensive writings on Christian theology make him a respected and controversial author in contemporary literary circles.”(Enotes) Critics Many do not like his ideas and views on worldly manners because C.S. was at first an Atheist. Pros Known as one of the best Mythical and Fantasy writers