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Presentation transcript:

Welcome Follow the discussion and take part in the debate #WEbuildourfuture

West of England Joint Spatial Plan “A Prospectus for Sustainable Growth”

West of England  Natural economic catchment area  Population of over one million  9 out of 10 people work and live here  Natural capital is a great asset  £25 billion economy  £10 billion a year in taxes to Treasury  Diverse economy

The Home of Knowledge, Innovation and Quality of Life  Highly competitive and growing economy  Clearly defined travel to work area with major new transport investment being delivered  Strong academic profile and wide ranging skills base  Strong environmental credentials, unique heritage and natural environment  Growing reputation for delivery  Clearly defined LEP an 4UAs  West of England Partnership – mature relationship

Housing Delivery in Crisis  Across England a quarter of adults under 35 are living in their childhood bedroom  In the 1950’s an average house cost just over 4 times annual salary by the 2008 property boom this had reached 8 times  In % of first mortgages did so without parental assistance by 2011 down to 35%  By 2012, 70% of homes in England were built by large house building firms

Areas for Reform: - Land Market - House building market - Affordable housing investment - Strategic local leadership

Why a Joint Spatial Plan is needed Key components:  Meeting and exceeding the requirements of the Duty of Cooperate  Need to coordinate the reviews of existing Local Plans which are coming to the end of their plan periods  Need to respond to new housing and employment growth requirements  Roll forward existing planning frameworks to 2036 with a baseline of 2016  Will be prepared on a statutory basis with formal consultation, public and stakeholder engagement and external examination

A Prospectus for Sustainable Growth Joint Spatial Plan:  Development plan covering the whole of the WoE  Overall quantum of growth, district apportionment, strategic locations, strategic infrastructure (especially transport).  85,000 needed of which 56,000 in pipeline. 29,000 shortfall.  Consider constraints and deliverability  Issues and Options consultation starts November

A Prospectus for Sustainable Growth Guiding principles:  Commitment to a plan-led approach to guide future development and secure funding for essential infrastructure  Balance the need for growth and development with the need to secure quality of life and a strong environmental future  Adopt a sequential approach to development using previously developed land and making best use of our existing urban areas  Ensure our transport plans are coordinated with the JSP

How many homes are needed?

How will these be provided? Nailsea x 3 Clevedon x 2

The Bristol and Bath Green Belt

A Prospectus for Sustainable Growth Issues and Options Engagement: 12 week consultation to collect views:  How should the West of England area change over the next 20 years?  How should growth be planned and managed?  Where should new homes, jobs and transport improvements be located?  Where is it most important to minimise the impact of change?

Delivery challenges  Creating quality places for our expanding population 2012 – 2037 plus 20.1% and supporting our strong economic growth  Unlocking full potential of existing urban areas – the need for new delivery mechanisms  Increasing housing delivery rates from low of 2012/13 – 2,228 units to Bristol HMA requirement of 4,250pa  Affordable housing – historic rate 2006/14 – 794units pa -22.2% versus new requirement – 1,455pa – 34.2% and a growing affordability gap


JSP and JTS being carried out alongside each other JTS to tackle existing problems and growth to 2036 JTS builds upon successes e.g. major scheme programme Opportunity to engage from Nov 2015 beginning with Issues & Options Joint Spatial Plan and Transport Study

West of England Joint Transport Study

Joint Transport Study We are preparing a Joint Transport Study in parallel with the West of England’s Joint Spatial Plan We want to ask people about the key transport issues affecting the area, and what sort of transport options and solutions we should look at over the next 20 years.

Why a Joint Transport Study is needed The West of England authorities have a clear transport strategy and major scheme programme up to 2021.

JLTP3 then includes longer term future schemes & ideas up to 2026 But, network conditions will continue to come under pressure, due to population and housing growth, and growing demand to travel Timely need for strategic assessment of an overall transport package – evidence base to support future schemes and help secure more investment A `refresh’ of both existing schemes/spend scenarios and more ambitious scenarios Why a Joint Transport Study is needed

Per capita share of national transport £ Dispersed trip patterns Car dependency & congestion Network resilience Cycling Rail patronage Walking Bus patronage What do you think? How does our network compare to other core city regions?

Complex trip patterns….

High levels of car use in many areas

Congestion and Resilience… Bristol is fourth most congested city in UK

Greater Bristol Bus Network£80m ✓ Cycle City £22m ✓ Weston Package£15m ✓ Bath Package£27m Local Sustainable Transport Fund£40+m Better Bus Area 1 and 2 £6.5m Cycle Ambition Fund£11m MetroBus £197m And already planning investment from DfT devolved funding - MetroWest rail plans – over £85m Transport investment - Our reputation for delivery since 2008…


Our Study Objectives Reduce Carbon Emissions Support economic growth Promote Accessibility Contribute to better safety, health and security Improve quality of life and a healthy, natural environment


Generation of Initial Transport Options  Consider wide range of both existing proposals and new ideas  Grouped into `concepts’ to stimulate discussion and debate  Includes sustainable mobility plans, smarter choices, health, safety, Quality of Life – and not constrained by ambition Public transport corridors More MetroWest More MetroBus freight LSTF + Working better together Walking & Cycling Demand Management MetroWest ++ Strategic corridors Regional Connectivity Orbital connectivity Pinch points


Next Steps - Shortlisting and Formulation of Packages and Recommended Options  Initial sifting and prioritisation to inform a `reference case’ of preferred transport packages - addressing our current challenges – feeding in views from consultation  Then build in the impacts of future growth - shortlisted spatial scenarios for development  Must ensure recommended transport package is robust and objective - ‘reasonable prospects’ test for delivery, giving strategic direction  Form deliverable, shortlisted funding packages

JTS Programme Review findings of consultation - Feb 2016 Modelling and appraisal of transport packages – by early summer week consultation on potential components of preferred package – Autumn 2016 Final transport study report – Dec 2016 Subsequent incorporation into JLTP update and publication of Joint Spatial Plan

12 week consultation  What do you think are the current challenges on our transport network?  What do you think our objectives should be?  What types of interventions do you think should happen over the next twenty years? How would you prioritise these?

Get involved! It’s essential that people take the opportunity to get involved in shaping this plan. It will play such an important part in the future of our area. #WEbuildourfuture

Impact of Future Growth  85,000 new dwellings up to 2036  Existing transport packages in the Core Strategies to address impacts of major developments  Further housing and employment growth after core strategies…further transport interventions will depend on where this growth happens and how much development is allocated at strategic locations.

Transport – focussed Development Scenario  Emphasises where availability of sustainable transport modes is better to minimise car use  Urban intensification will score better in this respect, followed by development closer to key centres  Locations on strong public transport corridors also perform better  Larger, single development sites will be likely to generate a stronger transport investment than many, smaller sites

Any Questions?

Get involved – Have your say! It’s essential that people take the opportunity to get involved in shaping this plan. It will play such an important part in the future of our area. Visit our website: Twitter: #Webuildourfuture follow us