Le jour de l’an Quand: le premier janvier On dit: Bonne année! Bonne santé! La coûtume: Les grands-parents donnent un peu d’argent aux petits- enfants.
La fête des rois Quand: le six janvier On dit: Joyeuse fête des rois! La coûtume: French people typically eat une galette des rois and the person who finds une fève in their slice of cake hosts the next party up until mardi gras. That person is the king or queen for the day.
Mardi gras Quand: en février ou mars La coûtume: This is typically celebrated more in America than France but some French people still enjoy this day as Le Carnaval where they dress up in costumes and eat, sing and dance with parades in the streets. It’s always 40 days before Easter.
Le Poisson d’avril Quand: le premier avril On dit: Poisson d’avril! La coûtume: On fait des blagues. All day long, the French put paper fish on people’s backs to make them look like fools.
la fête de Pâques Quand: un dimanche en mars ou avril On dit: Joyeuses Pâques! La coûtume: Children look for colorful eggs hidden around their yard and house and eat chocolate eggs, bunnies and bells. They play games like egg rolling and egg tossing.
La fête nationale Quand: le quatorze juillet On dit: Joyeux quatorze juillet! La coûtume: The French celebrate their unity after the storming of the Bastille prison in Paris during the French Revolution. There are parades and fireworks to celebrate their freedom.
La fête de Saint Nicolas Quand: le six décembre On dit: Joyeuse fête de Saint Nicolas! La coûtume: French children put their shoes by the door or fireplace in the hopes that Père Noël will fill them with candy if they’ve been good. If they’ve been bad, Père Fouettard visits them and whips them. Quand: le six décembre On dit: Joyeuse fête de Saint Nicolas! La coûtume: French children put their shoes by the door or fireplace in the hopes that Père Noël will fill them with candy if they’ve been good. If they’ve been bad, Père Fouettard visits them and whips them.
Le Noël Quand: le vingt-cinq décembre On dit: Joyeux Noël! La coûtume: The French go to midnight mass on Christmas eve followed by a huge family meal. Often times they eat a bûche de Noël. They give little gifts and enjoy the day with their family.
La date de naissance Quand: C’est quand ton anniversaire? On dit: Joyeux anniversaire! La coûtume: The French give small gifts that are usually store-wrapped. Girls receive flowers. They enjoy a large meal with friends and family. Instead of a cake, they usually eat a fruit tarte.
Fête du prénom On dit: Bonne fête! La coûtume: Like a second birthday, the French celebrate your name day (the day in which a saint shares the same name as you). They give the person a small gift and wish them a happy day. You might find your name at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_days_in _France