Workers Remittances in Mediterranean Partner Countries: The EIB’s work program Pedro J. F. de Lima Development Economics Advisory Service European Investment Bank Migration and Development Conference Washington DC, 24 May 2007
Workers ’ Remittances: a lever for economic development EIB’s operational targets Contribute to reduce remittances’ transfer costs, by promoting competition and disseminating information Increased use of formal transfer channels, in particular through increased population access to banking services Remittances as a tool for improved financial sector funding conditions
Remittances in Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) and EIB support EIB has long standing relationship with Mediterranean countries In Barcelona in 2002 the EIB received a new mandate (FEMIP) … increase in finance (EUR2 billion per year), technical assistance, policy dialogue. priority on private sector development
… reinforced in 2004 with the introduction of a special FEMIP envelope to enhance private sector lending (extended risk-sharing operations) and the creation of Trust Fund to support initiatives in priority sectors For the period, FEMIP mandate renewed at EUR 8.7 billion by the European Council to finance private sector, regional integration and socio-economic infrastructures. Remittances in Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) and EIB support
In this context, the EIB launched a major study on remittances. Purpose of study was to determine ways to improve the efficiency of workers ’ remittances in Mediterranean countries Eight Mediterranean countries targeted: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey Study on improving the efficiency of workers ’ remittances in MPCs
Study on improving the efficiency of workers ’ remittances in MPCs: Objectives The study aimed to determine: The origin of flows The channels of transmission of remittances and associated costs The impact of market imperfections in host and recipient countries on costs The use of funds in recipient countries and impediments to their efficient allocation
Study on improving the efficiency of workers’ remittances in MPCs: Methodology
Considerable economic importance to MPC ’ s
Considerable economic importance to MPCs: remittances larger than FDI and ODA combined
Considerable economic importance to MPCs, but not uniformly across the region Remittances as % of GDP (2005), MPC countries
Not as stable as in other parts of the world: oil dependence and renewed migration flows Remittances in USD dollars
Remittances in MPC: diversity of sources … In Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey, remittances from the EU account for 85-90% of total For Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, Golf countries are the main source (EU accounting for 5- 10% of remittances)
...but little variation regarding use Use of remittances in Mediterranean countries follows a pattern similar to that of other areas Consumption is by far the largest item (50%) Health and education are another important use (18%) Housing investment has some significance (14%) Business investment appears to be relatively limited in most countries. Egypt and Tunisia appear exceptional (15 to 18%)
Improving the efficiency of workers ’ remittances in Mediterranean countries Market imperfections and information deficiencies Exclusivity contracts for MTOs in post offices Lack of transparency on transfer costs (particularly as regards exchange rate fees); Inadequate information regarding available transfer mechanisms and associated costs, speed and reliability; Inadequate payment systems and limited usage of bank accounts in Mediterranean countries. Accessibility to banking accounts for emigrants residing in the EU is also limited and banking products are not sufficiently tailored for remitters, with few exceptions. Imperfections result in high transactions costs, which could exceed 16 percent of capital sent.
Costs and flows per migrant not too dissimilar across corridors … Spain- Morocco Germany- Turkey Germany- Lebanon France- Algeria Cost % Total remittance $ /migrant/year
… but large differences as regards use of banking sector Spain- Morocco Germany- Turkey Germany- Lebanon France- Algeria Main formal channel Banks/MTOBanksMainly MTO % Informal Total remittance $/migrant/year through banks Relatively efficient GER-TK channel, much less GER-LE or FR-AL
What factors might explain these outcomes? Scale effects: Insufficient number of migrants to justify efficient banking network in host country (GER-LE vs GER- TK) Size of illegal immigration – (MO-ES vs TK-GER) Regulatory restrictions and exchange controls - (TK vs MO or AL) Recent emigration waves vs. established immigrant populations Underdeveloped financial systems in countries of origin
The FEMIP-EIB contribution Promote efficiency and interconnection of payment systems Disseminate information, promote best practices Reduce transfer costs Channel remittances to formal sector; increase access to banking
Information dissemination and promotion of best practices
The FEMIP-EIB contribution Banking and financial sectors strengthening Remittances contributing to improve funding of financial institutions Financial development leading to economic growth
Securitization of remittances flows Remittances as collateral for the issuance of bonds/notes (future flow securitization): banks transfer the foreign currency flows to an SPV set-up in a well-established financial centre. Risk to international investors gets reduced: Willingness to pay issues are settled Transfer and convertibility risks are mitigated
Securitization of remittances flows Particularly appealing for countries with sub- investment ratings In 2005, five SPVs issued more than 4 billion USD in Turkey securitized by diversified payment rights : Technically, securitisation encompasses a number of financial transfers (SWIFT transfers MT-100, MT-102, MT-102+, MT-103, MT-103+…, corresponding to transactions such as cash-against-goods, cash-against- document transactions, letter of credit transactions, cheques, as well as workers’ remittances)
EIB support to first remittance securitization operation in Lebanon Lebanon: a good candidate. Large and stable remittance flows Economy with sky-high public debt levels (200% of GDP) low sovereign rating (B3/B-)/high T&C risks Deep and relatively sophisticated financial sector with a supportive regulatory environment (securitization law); however, heavy exposure to government debt
EIB support: 1.Catalytic role: bringing together the different players required to setup the deal 2.Buyer of SPV notes (50% of 100 million EUR) 3.TA support – first SPV seen as a public good, replicable by subsequent SPVs EIB support to first remittance securitization operation in Lebanon
Some difficulties: 1.Delicate political environment 2.SPV is relatively small => operation costs (which are mostly fixed) are relatively large 3.SPV rating? Enhancing mechanisms? First SPV expected by end-2007 EIB support to first remittance securitization operation in Lebanon
For copies of the report and updated information, check: Or contact Pedro J. F. de Lima Workers Remittances in MPCs: The role of the EIB