Male Reproductive System
The Male Reproductive System The functions of the male reproductive system are to produce testosterone, produce and store sperm, and deliver sperm to the female reproductive system
External Organs Penis – The male sex organ for reproduction and delivery of urination and sperm Scrotum – a sac that holds the testes – Protects sperm by Keeping testes at a temp slightly below normal body temp (normal=98.6)
Internal Organs Testicles – Also known as testes – Two glands that produce sperm (reproduce cells) and testosterone (sex hormone that affects the production of sperm and signals physical changes at puberty. – What are some physical changes males go through during puberty? – located in the scrotum
Sperm Tadpole like with a nucleus and a tail – 2-6 weeks to mature in the epididymis – Combines with fluid from other organs to produce semen/seminal fluid – 100 million are produced a day
Epididymis – A coiled tube, located at the outer surface of the of testes. Stores sperm temporarily – Sperm matures here Vas Deferens – Tube connecting the epididymis to the urethra. Sperm travels through the Vas Deferens to the seminal vesicles Seminal Vesicle/Prostate Gland – Semen is produced in the seminal vesicles and the Prostate Gland helps propel semen to through the urethra
Urethra A tube that extends from the bladder through the penis to the outside of the body. It carries urine and sperm, but not at the same time
The Journey of Sperm 1.The testes are where sperm are manufactured 2.Epididymis receives immature sperm from the testes and stores sperm several for up to six days before maturing 3.Sperm then travels through the Vas Deferens to the seminal vesicles where semen is produced
The Journey of Sperm 4.The Prostate gland and Cowper’s Gland adds fluids that protects sperm. Sperm passes through the prostate gland and then the Cowper’s Gland and empties into the urethra 5.Sperm is released through Ejaculation. This occurs when the penis is in an erect state
Click on Link Below Men’s Reproductive Organ Picture
Care for the Male Reproductive System Involves proper hygiene, protection, and self- examination – Shower daily by completely cleaning the penis – Protection from Trauma Wear a “cup” during athletic activities – Performing testicular self-examinations Check for lumps or tenderness Testicular cancer is one of the most common type of cancer in males between the ages of 15 and 34
Care for the Male Reproductive System – Seek medical attention when you show signs of an infection – Practice safe sex