Future Vision of Education: Robin Henderson Post University Rhode Island School for the Deaf
History Established in 1876 Located in Providence RI Philosophy changed from speech-reading to Total Communication to Bi-lingual Bi-modal in its 125 year educational history. ("About RISD,” n.d.) Student population Approximately 63 students ranging from preschool to 21 years old. 71% eligible for subsidized lunch 94% receive special education services (“InfoWorks," n.d.) 9/6/15
For the and school year, Rhode Island School for the Deaf adopted school- wide technology goals: Blended learning classrooms Blended learning “draws from the best practices of online and face to face learning” creating a “hybrid” classroom. (NMC Horizon Report K-12 Edition, 2015, 16) Increasing time for individualized instruction or face-to face time is invaluable in a classroom of deaf/hard of hearing students when addressing their unique language needs. 9/6/15 Personalized Learning learning designs, instructional approaches, and academic support strategies intended to address the specific learning needs, interests, aspirations, or cultural backgrounds of individual students. Personalizing the learning environment of deaf students by finding hardware and software unique to their needs creates an optimal learning environment.
Futuring techniques Scanning “an ongoing effort to identify significant changes in the world beyond the organization or group doing the scanning by looking at websites, newspaper articles, magazine and various media types that impact trends over time ” ("Scanning," n.d.) Scenarios: future development of a trend, a strategy, or a wild- card event may be described in story or outline form.” ("Scenarios," n.d.) 9/6/15
(Reger & Mietzner, 2005) ProsCons Gathers past, present, and potential future projects to inform planning Quality of data and research used will impact effectiveness of scenarios Continuously gather information to remain current Biased information and/or limited perspective can create false scenarios Allows for preparation of potential positive or negative changes in educational settings Resources and time to plan for scenarios may be limited
Demographics 9/6/15 population of deaf and hard of hearing 0-17 years of age is approximately 5% of the educational population of the United States (56%) general educational classrooms to schools for the deaf 19% of deaf and hard of hearing students receive specialized instruction outside of the general education classroom 40% of the time. 9% of deaf and hard of hearing students local and/or state schools for the deaf provide instruction for approximately 16% of the population are placed in specific environments such as private schools, hospitals or homebound educational settings. ("Fast Facts," n.d.) ("Deaf Statistics" n.d.).
Budgetary trends closing schools for the deaf is a convenient way to reduce state budgets. Over the past fifteen years, five state schools for the deaf have been closed and numerous others have experienced cuts as well as the threat of closure.” the cost of maintaining separate schools for deaf children is exorbitantly expensive, especially considering the poor academic outcomes for deaf children ("National Association of the Deaf," n.d.) ("The Price Tag of Schools for the Deaf," n.d.). 9/6/15
Educational technology trends 9/6/15 Current educational trends Screen recording, IPad, storybook apps, (Odyssey, 2014) Future educational trends MotionSavvy ("For the Future”,2014 Telepractice (Stredler-Brown )
Future Vision of Education 9/6/15 Defined as the practice of bringing regular education students into special education classrooms. Enriches the experience of both the deaf and hard of hearing students as well as the “hearing” students. Increases opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing students to interact with the general community Maintains the integrity of the bilingual approach and specific educational and linguistic needs unique to the deaf and hard of hearing community. Reverse mainstreaming: (”Reverse Mainstreaming [Education] Law & Legal Definition," n.d.)
Plan for change 9/6/15 1.Establish state-wide presence as the center of expertise for deaf and hard of hearing students in a variety of educational settings 2.Implement a community of practice for bilingual education with representatives from multiple agencies increase state-wide awareness of the benefits of bilingual education as well as develop partnerships. 3.Appoint a technology team that researches current best practices and prospective technological advances that support the needs of the deaf and hard of hearing community. 4.Continue ongoing training to implement blended classroom environments to support future technological endeavors. 5.Improve efficiency of outreach services by implementing Telepractice approach to providing consultation and services.
Allow siblings of current students to attend the school as a pilot study for a reverse mainstream setting. 9/6/15 Call to Action Begin direct services and consultation through Telepractice with educators servicing deaf and hard of hearing students. Provide family services (sign language instruction, consultation, story telling) through Telepractice
References About RISD. (n.d.). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from Bricke, V. (2015). Asheville.k12.nc.us. IPads, 18, Retrieved September 6, 2015, from ODYSSEY_SPR2015_Bricker.pdf Deaf President Now - Gallaudet University. (n.d.). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from "Deaf Statistics Tags: Deaf, Faq." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept Educating Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Total Communication. ERIC Digest. (n.d.). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from NMC Horizon Report K-12 Edition, (2015). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from file:///Users/ MAC-HD/Downloads/NMC%20Horizon%20report%20k-12%20edition.pdffile:///Users/ "National Association of the Deaf." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept /6/15
References Odyssey 16 (2015): n. pag. Galluadett University. Web. 27 Sept Reger, G., & Mietzner, D. (2005). Advantages and disadvantages of scenario approaches for strategic foresight. Int. J. Technology and Planning, 1(2), Retrieved September 13, Reverse Mainstreaming [Education] Law & Legal Definition. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, 2015, from Rhode Island School for the Deaf - School and District data - RIDE InfoWorks. (n.d.). Retrieved from Rhode Island School for the Deaf - School and District data - RIDE InfoWorks. (n.d.). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from Scanning. (n.d.). Retrieved September 13, 2015, from Scenarios. (n.d.). Retrieved September 13, 2015, from The Price Tag of Schools for the Deaf." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept Stredler-Brown, Arlene. "The Future of Telepractice for Children Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing." The Volta Review 112(3).Winter (2012): Web. 9/6/15
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