Nepal Area Earthquake Vacation Bible School Photo Slides
Earthquake damage near Kathmandu. Credit: LWF
The earthquakes damaged homes, buildings and streets. They also caused landslides. Some villages are totally blocked off by debris and damaged roads and are only accessible on foot. Credit: ACT Alliance
A mother in front of her destroyed house in Bhattedanda. Credit: ACT Alliance
People lined up for relief material distribution in Dhading. More than 8 million people were affected by the earthquakes in Nepal. Credit: UMN
Relief distribution in Ghusel. Lutheran Disaster Response is working with 3 partners in Nepal to distribute relief items to thousands of people. Items include food, blankets, water, shelter materials and hygiene materials. Credit: LWF
Distributing blankets in Lalitpur. Credit: LWF
Distributing tarps to be used for temporary shelter. Nearly 800,000 homes were damaged or destroyed by the earthquake. Credit: LWR
Building a temporary shelter in Byasi Tole. Credit: ACT Alliance
Cooking and serving food in Bhaktapur. 70 percent of families who were affected by the earthquakes do not have access to enough food. Credit: ACT Alliance