The medical profession
The medical profession - one of the oldest professions The medical profession - one of the oldest professions. Hippocrates - the famous ancient Greek physician and healer . He went down in history as the " father of medicine " . Hippocrates is a historical figure . References to the " Great Physician - Asklepiad " found in the works of his contemporaries - Plato and Aristotle.
Кому быть врачом? Doctor - it is the pride and responsibility. From the first course to all the students say about the fact that , each time wearing a white robe , they assume certain obligations . No wonder since ancient times is one of the most prestigious professions.
Who should be a doctor? However, apart from a relatively secure future medical profession involves sleepless nights at the bedside, the daily risk of a huge responsibility for someone else's life and health. Stress - a constant companion of the doctor. Day and night, a doctor can cause to the patient. Long working hours and fatigue - the inevitable companions of the profession. On top of that, patients are not always grateful and thankful. Sometimes it is not particularly versed in matters of medical patients who neglect the appointed course of treatment, doctors are trying to teach, and then accused his own professional failure. The only moral compensation, which can expect a physician, is the awareness of the importance of what he was doing. Also do not forget that very often the physicians at risk of their lives, going to the source of the epidemic, or hotspots. Also, all doctors are liable for military service.
The physician should have the following qualities: goodwill and friendliness patience and endurance responsibility a high level of voluntary attention quick response readiness at any time to provide the necessary medical careтактичность Unselfishness care. well-developed long-term memory. verbal ability.
Specialization of physicians : The therapist - a specialist doctor who has received training in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of internal organs. Pediatrician - (copper + Gr. Iatros doctor) - Children's specialist doctor who has received training in child health, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of childhood diseases.
Specialization of physicians : The surgeon - a doctor dealing with diseases requiring surgical treatment. Otolaryngologist - a specialist, a doctor who treats diseases of the ear, nose, throat and anatomical border areas and their prevention.
Specialization of physicians : Dentist - a doctor, a specialist in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the teeth, jaws and other organs of oral and maxillofacial region. Anaesthetist - professionals engaged in the maintenance and restoration of vital functions in life-threatening diseases, that is, the physician dealing with resuscitation, resuscitation studied.
Specialization of physicians : Dietitian - a specialist doctor, on management, clinical nutrition Anesthesiologist - a medical specialist, for pain relief and management of vital body functions during surgery.
Specialization of physicians : Gynecologist - a specialist who deals with diagnosis, treatment and prevention of women's diseases. Gastroenterologist - medical specialist in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Specialization of physicians : Cardiologist - deals heart problems and vessels, as well as prevention, diagnosis and treatment cardiovascular diseases system. Psychiatrist - deals Treatment, the prevention and diagnostics alcohol, drug and Tobacco.
Specialization of physicians : Neurologist - a highly skilled in diagnosis and treatment of nervous system. Ophthalmologist - a doctor, engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye and subsidiary bodies - the century, lacrimal glands.
Specialization of physicians : Forensic Expert - a specialist doctor, receive training forensic medicine, regularly performing features expert Endocrinologist - a doctor, a specialist, for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the endocrine system.
Where learning There are medical faculties and university courses, but it is preferable, of course, choose the profile educational institutions. There are many medical universities abroad. But there is also have one of the best medical university in Kazakhstan, where study representatives of 17 countries of the world. It called Asfendiyarov named KazNMU
How to study? Here's how to Hogwarts there are 4 major faculties history of which lies in the depths of years They are: 1-stFaculty of General Medicine, where learn doctors of different specialties 2-nd Faculty of Dentistry, 3-rd Faculty of Pharmacy 4-th Faculty of Public Health
Where to work? municipal and private hospitals municipal and district clinics dispensaries Clinical diagnostic medical centers Health part dispensaries sanatoria, rehabilitation centers
Врач – это не профессия, а образ жизни The doctor - is not a profession Be a doctor is a life style
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