Place your chosen image here. The four corners must just cover the arrow tips. For covers, the three pictures should be the same size and in a straight line. Review of Capacity Process Times for Modification Proposal 461 Meeting Monday 5th August 2013 Hayley Burden
2 Background – Capacity Processes Capacity process runs are instigated by the GNCC via Gemini Capacity needs to be allocated 4 hours ahead of the end of the Gas Day so there is sufficient time for linked processes to run NG NTS has analysed the following capacity auction runs; Day Ahead Daily System Entry Capacity (DADSEC) Within Day Daily System Entry Capacity (WDDSEC) Daily Interruptible System Entry Capacity (DISEC) Day Ahead Daily Network Exit Capacity (DADNEX) Within Day Daily Network Exit Capacity (WDDNEX) Daily Off-peak Network Exit Capacity (DONEX) Assumption that Gemini Housekeeping window will operate an hour earlier in the new Gas Day time
3 Methodology In each of the identified processes the following occurrences were reviewed (where applicable); The last occurrence D-1 The first occurrence D The last occurrence D Assessment made if the occurrences could: retain their current time be moved by an hour totally removed (or an additional occurrence inserted) This was then used to populate UNC line by line review spreadsheet
4 Results Overview Capacity time references associated with the working/business day are unaffected [08:00 and 17:00] Any 06:00 time reference relating to bids becoming effective could be left as they are. However to align with the new Gas Day they should be replaced with 05:00 End of day capacity auctions runs to be moved forward (e.g. 02:00 time references to be replaced with 01:00) Keep in view that some capacity processes are linked with day ahead forecasting and any changes there could have a knock on effect
5 UNC Review of Capacity Section B System Use & Capacity 45 sections containing time references Analysis of the process has informed our decision and rationale whether a time reference is required to change Capacity references assigned into categories A-D and whether they require changing. (NB some time references apply to multiple categories)