Mr Haitham Hamoda Mr Nitish Narvekar Miss Jackie Ross King’s College Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust Date:Saturday, 25th February 2012 Venue: Suite 8, Level 3, Golden Jubilee Wing, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS
10:00 Registration and coffee 10:30 Welcome and introduction Haitham Hamoda 10:40 Hysterosalpingo Contrast Sonography (Hycosy): Its relevance as an investigation in contemporary gynaecology and infertility. Haitham Hamoda 11:10 Application of Hycosy findings to gynaecological surgery. Nitish Narvekar 11:40 The role of 3D ultrasound scanning in assessing uterine pathology and anomalies. Jackie Ross 12:10 Hycosy video and discussion 12:30-13:30 Lunch and refreshments 13:30 Practical session: Observation of Hycosy procedures and 3 D ultrasound scanning 15:00-15:15 Coffee break 15:15-16:30 Practical session 16:30 Summary and discussion 17:00 Closure
All delegates will be offered the opportunity to attend a half-day, one- to-one practical Hycosy session at King’s College Hospital at a later date For further information, please contact Mr Haitham Hamoda:
Registration fee £250 Payment may be made by cheque or bank transfer Cheques should be made payable to ‘King’s Reproductive Medicine Group’, and sent to Mr Haitham Hamoda, Assisted Conception Unit, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS Bank transfers should be made to: King's Reproductive Medicine Group (ref Hycosy) Account number Sort Code Confirmation of booking will be made on receipt of payment 25% discount to current and previous trainees at King’s College Hospital