Hybrid Power Controller (HPC) Mid-Semester Presentation Senior Design I
HPC Team Members Stephen AllardDavid DukeBrandon KennedyKevin Roberts Dr. Mike Mazzola Electrical Engineer Website Design System Integration Testing Controller Design Electrical Engineer System Integration Enclosure Integration Research Controller Design Electrical Engineer Website Design Programming Controller Design Component Research Electrical Engineer Programming Test Circuit Design Controller Design Debugging Advisor Andy Lemmon, GRA Co-Advisor
Outline Problem Solution System Overview Constraints – Practical – Technical Approach – Components – Software Progress – Timeline Questions
Problem In the event of a power outage, people lose contact with the outside world and suffer the loss of everyday conveniences. Most people do not possess sufficient knowledge of electrical components that would allow them to effectively use multiple forms of hybrid power.
Solution Design and build a controller that autonomously manages a personal solar panel array, battery bank, and generator, and that optimizes the use of the solar panel array.
System Overview Solar Array MPPT Charger DC Distribution Panel Battery Bank Mobile Inverter/ Charger AC Outlet (load) Generator Hybrid Power Controller MATE
MPPT Charger
Mobile Inverter
Grid-tie Inverter (unused)
AC Outlet (load)
Solar Panel Bus
DC Bus
Technical and Practical Constraints
Technical Constraints NameDescription AccuracyThe Hybrid Power Controller will need to have an accuracy of +/- 100 mV on inputs. InputThe Hybrid Power Controller must be able to accept inputs up to 50 Volts DC. OutputThe output of the device must be able to provide a signal to operate a 12 volt relay for start/stop generator operation. Sampling RateThe device must be able to take samples from Hybrid Power System components 3 times per second. Supply PowerThe device should be able to accept 24 Volts DC for supply power.
Practical Constraints NameDescription EconomicThe parts must cost less than $200. ManufacturabilityThe device must fit into an enclosure that measures 10’’x10’’x5’’.
Economic Cost Considerations Price of competition: $420 [1] Estimated cost of parts for HPC: <$200 Choosing a microcontroller to meet Dr. Mazzola’s future needs
Manufacturability Size Limitation Controller enclosure must fit inside existing NEMA enclosure Limited spacing around other components, such as fuses and distribution panels
Powering the Microcontroller RegulatorCostVinVout Through- hole compatible? Our Choice LTM8048 [2]$383.1V-32V2.5V-13VNo DE-SW033 [3]$15Up to 30V3.3VYes LTM8029 [4]$84.5V-36V1.2V-18VNo The micro-controller must be powered from the 24VDC battery bank. A regulator is needed with an input of 20-28VDC, and an output of VDC. Due to the large difference between the input and output voltage, a linear regulator will not suffice, due to excess heat. A switching regulator will be needed.
Powering the Microcontroller RegulatorCostVinVout Through- hole compatible? Our Choice LTM8048 [2]$383.1V-32V2.5V-13VNo DE-SW033 [3]$15Up to 30V3.3VYes ✓ LTM8029 [4]$84.5V-36V1.2V-18VNo The micro-controller must be powered from the 24VDC battery bank. A regulator is needed with an input of 20-28VDC, and an output of VDC. Due to the large difference between the input and output voltage, a linear regulator will not suffice, due to excess heat. A switching regulator will be needed.
Microcontroller Micro Cost/per Familiarity Potential for further development ADC Our Choice PIC24HJ32GP202$2.90[5]Yeslittle10/12-bit “Piccolo” F28027$1.85 [6]Nomuch12-bit “Piccolo“ F28069$4.95[6]Nomost12-bit
Microcontroller Micro Cost/per Familiarity Potential for further development ADC Our Choice PIC24HJ32GP202$2.90[5]Yeslittle10/12-bit “Piccolo” F28027$1.85 [6]Nomuch12-bit “Piccolo“ F28069$4.95[6]Nomost12-bit ✓
Software Approach
Data [7]
Data [8]
Data [8]
Data [8]
Data [8]
Data [8]
Test Circuit
Voltage Adjustment
Timeline AugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Research of Hybrid Power System Components, Design of Test Fixture Manufacture of Test Fixture, Finalize Design Constraints of Controller Construct Prototype of Controller, Testing of Prototype with Test Fixture Complete Testing, Debugging, Finalize Prototype
References [1] Outback Mate 3 System Control and Monitor. [2012, Sept. 12]. Available: [2] Digi-Key Corporation: LTM8048MPY#PBF. [2012, Sept. 24]. Available: search/en?mpart=LTM8048MPY%23PBF&vendor=161http:// search/en?mpart=LTM8048MPY%23PBF&vendor=161 [3] Dimension Engineering: 3.3V 1A Switching voltage regulator. [2012, Sept. 24]. Available: [4] Digi-Key Corporation: LTM8029EY#PBF. [2012, Sept. 24]. Available: [5] Digi-Key Corporation. [2012, Sept. 24]. Available: detail/en/PIC24HJ32GP202-I%2FSP/PIC24HJ32GP202-I%2FSP-ND/ http:// detail/en/PIC24HJ32GP202-I%2FSP/PIC24HJ32GP202-I%2FSP-ND/ [6] C bit 28x Piccolo™ Series. [2012, Sept. 26]. Available: [7]WattMetrics. [2012, Sept 26]. Available: [8] Mate Serial Communications Guide. Rev , OutBack Power Systems, Arlington, WA, 2008.