Vehicle Random Slide Show Menu Please select slide show below: Words & Pictures Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5 Words only Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5 Pictures only Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5 The template of this powerpoint file can be found at More Instructions on using this file are at slides 24 to 29 when you use powerpoint to open this file
cable car
Click to end
Information of this file Subject: Vehicle Created by Janet Last Revision Date: 13 September 2003 Website:
How to create your own version 1.Replace the “subject” at page2 by the subject matter of the 10 words/pictures 2.Replace the “word1” to “word10” by your own words 3.Add picture to each slide under each word 4.Add sound to each word/picture if you wishAdd sound 5.Add bits of intelligence to each picture if you wishAdd bits of intelligence 6.Print out the pictures or the footnotes if necessaryPrint out the pictures or the footnotes 7.Save the powerpoint file as pps file. It can show slides without using powerpoint.
Random Slide Show To add other combinations of random slide show: –1.) Select Slide Show > Custom Shows from the menu 2.) Click the slide show start with Words and Pictures with random sequence; or Words only with random sequence;or Pictures only with random sequence –3.) click the “Show” button to start –4.) Amend the 1 st page as appropriate
Adding sound to your powerpoint file Dictionary with Human Pronunciation: Mirriam Webster Online at Can let you save the sound file (wav format) without using 3rd party sound recording software After clicking the red audio icon besides the word, right click “2. Click here to listen with your default audio player” to save the sound file in the new windowClick here to listen with your default audio player In the powerpoint environment, use “Insert” “Slide or Sound” “Insert Sound From File” to insert the wav file you have downloaded to slide of word or the slide of picture or both Apart from the above dictionary, you can create wav file by recording your own sound
Adding Bits of Intelligence If you wish to add bits of intelligence to teach your child encyclopedia knowledge, you can add them to the footnote field under each picture. They can be printed out separately
Printing Option You can print out all the 10 pictures as bits of intelligence cards by selecting “picture – combination 1” in the print area box You can print out all the footnotes (bits of intelligence) together with the pictures by selecting footnote as print item