Anna James – Pusey House Library
hings-happen-in-threes-or-at-least-medieval- manuscripts-do/ "Sumerian 26th c Adab" by Unknown jpg. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons th_c_Adab.jpg#/media/File:Sumerian_26th_c_Ada b.jpg " Byzantine Museum, Athens - Parchement scroll, 13th century - Photo by Giovanni Dall'Orto, Nov 12" by G.dallorto - Own work. Licensed under Attribution via Commons - _Byzantine_Museum,_Athens_- _Parchement_scroll,_13th_century_- _Photo_by_Giovanni_Dall%27Orto,_Nov_12.jpg#/me dia/File:2049_-_Byzantine_Museum,_Athens_- _Parchement_scroll,_13th_century_- _Photo_by_Giovanni_Dall%27Orto,_Nov_12.jpg
1454 or 1455 "Gutenberg bible Old Testament Epistle of St Jerome" by Johannes Gutenberg - From a scan at the Ransom Center of the University of Texas at Austin /. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons - ld_Testament_Epistle_of_St_Jerome.jpg#/media/File:Gutenbe rg_bible_Old_Testament_Epistle_of_St_Jerome.jpg
1454/5-ca. 1820
Xylographic printing – 8 th century Movable type – 11 th century 50%20- %20Chinese%20invent%20movable%20type %20print
Handpress (Bodleian Print Room)
15 th century: Most of Europe England (1476), Scotland (1507), Ireland (1551) 16 th century: South America, North Africa, Southern India, Japan 17 th century: North America 18 th century re-introduced to Asia 19 th century: China
Incunabulum = Baby not old enough to sleep in its own bed. Caxton's Chaucer: Prologue page of the Canterbury Tales with an illustration of a knight on horseback, c.1485? ©BL
Singular Incunable / Incunabulum Plural Incunables / Incunabula Caxton's Chaucer: Prologue page of the Canterbury Tales with an illustration of a knight on horseback, c.1485? ©BL
"Gutenberg bible Old Testament Epistle of St Jerome" by Johannes Gutenberg - From a scan at the Ransom Center of the University of Texas at Austin /. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons - ld_Testament_Epistle_of_St_Jerome.jpg#/media/File:Gutenbe rg_bible_Old_Testament_Epistle_of_St_Jerome.jpg
Caxton's Chaucer: Prologue page of the Canterbury Tales with an illustration of a knight on horseback, c.1485? ©BL
Nuremberg Chronicle bank/?textsearch=nuremberg&file_type= &media_type=&theme=&sortby=date- desc
Qu’ran, British Museum m/2012/03/19/the-beauty-of-an- unbound-book/
WOODCUTS Very early books Very cheap books Heavy lines
ENGRAVING & ETCHING Slightly more subtle?
Printed separately from text Often separate plate Squished paper
Title pages didn’t catch on so quickly Books usually sold without covers until c.19 th See blank outer pages in shop, protecting the text
Bulla Cruciata contra Turcos /start.htm
John Fortescue, A Learned Commendation of the Politique Lawes of Englande (1st English ed, 1567) " by Smuconlaw. - Own work.. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons - /File:John_Fortescue,_A_Learned_Co mmendation_of_the_Politique_Lawes _of_Englande_(1st_English_ed,_1567, _colophon)_- _ jpg#/media/File:John_Fort escue,_A_Learned_Commendation_o f_the_Politique_Lawes_of_Englande_( 1st_English_ed,_1567,_colophon)_- _ jpg
Books usually sold without covers until c.19 th See blank outer pages in shop, protecting the text Title page invented 1463 Started to put publication details on title page Title page now important See blank outer pages in shop, protecting the text…
Integral covers Cheaper paper Overlooked in past
What is it? Who else has it? Why do you have it?
That’s the most important thing