Chapter 27 Round Worms
Kingdom…..animal Kingdom…..animal Phylum……..nematode Phylum……..nematode
Characteristics of Nematodes Round worms with no segments Round worms with no segments Some are “free living” Some are “free living” Some are parasites Some are parasites Have digestive system with two openings…..mouth ( anterior end) Have digestive system with two openings…..mouth ( anterior end) anus ( posterior end) anus ( posterior end) Tube within a tube Tube within a tube
Nematode Structure
Heart Worm In Our Pets How does your pet get the heart worm? How does your pet get the heart worm? a) Immature worm can be introduced to your pet by a mosquito bite the worm matures quickly and produces offspring
The heart and the arteries of your pet can become clogged with the worms The heart and the arteries of your pet can become clogged with the worms 100% preventable 100% preventable
Roundworms and Human Diseases Ascaris Ascaris Intestinal parasite Intestinal parasite FOund in unsanitary areas FOund in unsanitary areas
Hookworm Hookworm Lives in small intestine Lives in small intestine Sucks blood from its host Sucks blood from its host Found in unsanitary areas Found in unsanitary areas Larva usually enter though the foot Larva usually enter though the foot
Kingdom: Animal Kingdom: Animal Phylum: Annelida Phylum: Annelida
Characteristics of Annelids Round worms with segments Round worms with segments
What About The Earthworm? Kingdom:Animalia Kingdom:AnimaliaAnimalia Phylum:Annelida Phylum:AnnelidaAnnelida Class:Clitellata Class:ClitellataClitellata \Order:Haplotaxida \Order:HaplotaxidaHaplotaxida Suborder:Lumbricina Suborder:Lumbricina Lumbricus terrestrisLumbricus terrestris, the Common Earthworm
External Structure of the Earthworm
Internal Structure
Did You Know The everyday earthworm is a “SHIM”. The everyday earthworm is a “SHIM”. Mucous is needed for the worm to breathe because it does not have lungs. Mucous is needed for the worm to breathe because it does not have lungs. It has 5 pairs of pumping vessels It has 5 pairs of pumping vessels
Where did earthworms come from Experts believe that the earthworm came from Europe by the settlers when they brought their plants over Experts believe that the earthworm came from Europe by the settlers when they brought their plants over
What do they eat? Dirt which contains pieces of plants and animals Dirt which contains pieces of plants and animals The stool of the earthworm is an excellent fertilizer The stool of the earthworm is an excellent fertilizer Food enters the mouth and undigested materials exits the anus Food enters the mouth and undigested materials exits the anus
Earthworms love darkness Earthworms love darkness The sun will dry up their skin The sun will dry up their skin The light will paralyze them if they are exposed to the light for more than an hour The light will paralyze them if they are exposed to the light for more than an hour
Why does the earthworm leave their burrow when it rains? Earthworms can survive under water for several weeks presuming the water is rich in oxygen Earthworms can survive under water for several weeks presuming the water is rich in oxygen They leave their burrow to travel overland to new locations They leave their burrow to travel overland to new locations
Parasitic Annelids leech leech