IENG 450 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT Bakiye YALINC MSc- Consulting and Business Policy
Course Description The aim is to prepare you to assume positions in industry as engineering managers. The aim of this course is to provide students with the necessary modern managerial skills; Increase productivity in organization through employee empowerment and effective communication. Develop plans that will put the organization ahead of the international game.
Course Learning Outcomes All students will have developed knowledge and understanding of Concept of Engineering Management 5 Functions of Management Planning& Forecasting Decision Making Organizing Leading Controlling Methods to motivate technical people All students will have developed their skills in Forecasting Managing an organization Being able to decide the validity of received data
TEXTBOOK/ Articles Daniel L. Babcock, Lucy C. Morse, Managing Engineering and Technology, Fourth/ Fifth Edition, Pearson International Edition References : EMU Library and the BookStore
Articles/ Journals Financial Times Economist ELSEVIER Science Direct, etc
Grading Policy Attendance and Participation : 10% Assignments: 10% Quizzes :20% Midterm Exam :25% Final Exam :35%
Attendance, Academic Honesty & Plagiarism Attendance will be taken every lecture hour. Cheating is copying from others or providing information, written or oral to others. Plagiarism is copying without acknowledgement from other people’s work.