Environment Committee Performance Management Reporting: Quarter 4 Key Service Priorities (KSPs) carried over from 2006/07 Key Service Priorities (KSPs) 2007/08 – Final Position
KSPs Carried Over from 2006/07 Environment Committee To achieve ‘Secure Car Park’ status at Hook Road Car Park. Secure Car Park status achieved
KSPs for 2007/08 – Final Position Environment Committee All actions have been Achieved (but see recycling and composting section below). Car Parking To complete remedial work at Hook Road Car Park and achieve Secure Car Park Status. New lighting, anti pigeon grilles and signs installed. Secure Car Park Status achieved. Improve rosters and monitoring. Completed, but further improvements set as a target for 2008/09. The installation of CCTV at Hope Lodge and height barriers at Depot Road. Achieved.
KSPs for 2007/08 – Final Position (cont’d) Anti-social behaviour Remediation of environmental defects, fixed penalty notices and partnership working with Surrey County Council (SCC). Environmental Officer in post. Front-line staff accredited. Discussions advanced with SCC. Environmental Action Areas Successful pilot of Community Safety Action Zone (CSAZ) in Longmead area. Agreed that the next CSAZ area is to be Ewell Village for the period of 1 year. CCTV Cameras. New camera installed in Upper High Street. Upgrades to cameras in Epsom town centre. Diversionary projects for young people. Mentoring scheme set up for young people at risk of offending. Construction workshop established to provide vocational skills. Youth engagement scheme and Fire Fighter For A Day set up in partnership with Surrey Fire and Rescue Service.
KSPs for 2007/08 – Final Position (cont’d) Recycling and composting To recycle or compost 30% of household waste. 29.45% was achieved, which means that on the tonnage collected the Council was 153 tonnes short on a requirement to recycle and compost 8413 tonnes. Determine a strategy for future years. Future waste strategy agreed in October 2007 and ratified by Council in December Strategy implementation scheduled for early 2009.