1 ECE Department Thermal Mapping Drone MDR Team 17 Jamyang Tenzin Stefan Totino Dylan Fallon Jason Fellow Advisor: Joseph Bardin
2 ECE Department Team 17 Jamyang Tenzin EE Jason Fellows EE Dylan Fallon EE Stefan Totino CSE Advisor: Joseph Bardin
3 ECE Department Block Diagram
4 ECE Department Additions Camera To take a picture to show user where heat leak is Will be taken further back than IR sensor Ultrasonic Sensor Measures the height the drone is above roof. Used for ratio between picture and temp overlay
5 ECE Department Sensing Process Pilot navigates to scan the roof. Trying to maintain uniform height of 3ft. If temperature of 5˚C is found. Signal pilot to stop Send temp readings and distance from roof to receiver. Pilot flies upward Once 10ft above roof, signals pilot to stop Picture is taken and sent to receiver Picture finishes transmitting Pilot signaled to continue scanning
6 ECE Department Receiving Process Data streamed from receiving Arduino to computer via serial link Two text files created Temp readings / distance Camera bytes Text files are parsed to create jpeg image Color coded temp array overlaid Uploaded to Web Server