JCOMM Observations Programme Area Report to the DBCP Angra dos Reis, 20 October 2003 Observations Programme Area Coordination Group (OCG) Mike Johnson, Chair photo courtesy of MeteoFrance
Outline JCOMM Observations Programme Area (OPA)JCOMM Observations Programme Area (OPA) International Momentum - Global CoverageInternational Momentum - Global Coverage Challenges for the OPAChallenges for the OPA Challenges for the DBCPChallenges for the DBCP
JCOMM Structure Observations Programme AreaObservations Programme Area Services Programme AreaServices Programme Area Data Management Programme AreaData Management Programme Area Capacity Building Programme AreaCapacity Building Programme Area
Observations Coordination Group Chair personMike JohnsonChair personMike Johnson SOT chairpersonGraeme BallSOT chairpersonGraeme Ball DBCP chairpersonGraeme BroughDBCP chairpersonGraeme Brough GLOSS chairpersonChristian LeProvostGLOSS chairpersonChristian LeProvost Argo Science Team chairpersonDean RoemmichArgo Science Team chairpersonDean Roemmich TIP chairpersonMichael McPhadenTIP chairpersonMichael McPhaden Satellite expertHiroshi KawamuraSatellite expertHiroshi Kawamura Additional expertsPaul Moersdorf Zhouwen YuAdditional expertsPaul Moersdorf Zhouwen Yu JCOMMOPSEtienne CharpentierJCOMMOPSEtienne Charpentier
Observations Coordination Group Terms of Reference Advise on the effectiveness, coordination, and operation of the observations programmeAdvise on the effectiveness, coordination, and operation of the observations programme –performance against requirements –delivery of data –standards, logistics and resources Advice on possible solutions for newly-identified requirementsAdvice on possible solutions for newly-identified requirements Review in situ data requirements taking in account satellite capabilitiesReview in situ data requirements taking in account satellite capabilities Coordinate development of standardized practices and instrumentationCoordinate development of standardized practices and instrumentation Establish expert teams, task teams, pilot projectsEstablish expert teams, task teams, pilot projects Examine trade-offs against requirements and resourcesExamine trade-offs against requirements and resources
International Momentum GCOS Second Adequacy Report to the UNFCCC: “The ocean networks lack global coverage * … without urgent action to address these findings, the Parties will lack the information necessary to effectively plan for and manage their response to climate change.”GCOS Second Adequacy Report to the UNFCCC: “The ocean networks lack global coverage * … without urgent action to address these findings, the Parties will lack the information necessary to effectively plan for and manage their response to climate change.” Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) --”opportunity to build momentum among governments”Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) --”opportunity to build momentum among governments” Earth Observation SummitEarth Observation Summit GCOS Implementation PlanGCOS Implementation Plan * Identified for Climate -- improved Marine Services will be an immediate byproduct.
Capabilities Required Global coverage by moored and drifting buoy arrays, profiling floats, tide gauge stations, and repeated ship lines.Global coverage by moored and drifting buoy arrays, profiling floats, tide gauge stations, and repeated ship lines. Continuous satellite missions for sea surface temperature, sea surface height, surface vector wind, and ocean colorContinuous satellite missions for sea surface temperature, sea surface height, surface vector wind, and ocean color Data and assimilation subsystemsData and assimilation subsystems System management and product deliverySystem management and product delivery
A System of Complementary Networks. Initial Design. It will Evolve. Now 40% complete. Tide Gauge Network45 % complete Tide Gauge Network45 % complete 3˚x3˚ Argo Profiling Float Array25% complete 3˚x3˚ Argo Profiling Float Array25% complete 5˚x5˚ Surface Drifting Buoy Array35 % complete 5˚x5˚ Surface Drifting Buoy Array35 % complete Moored BuoyExistingPlanned Moored BuoyExistingPlanned Ocean Reference StationExistingPlanned Ocean Reference StationExistingPlanned High Resolution XBT and Flux LineExistingPlanned High Resolution XBT and Flux LineExistingPlanned Frequently Repeated XBT LineExistingPlanned Frequently Repeated XBT LineExistingPlanned Carbon Inventory & Deep Ocean Line Global 10 years Carbon Inventory & Deep Ocean Line Global 10 years Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Surface Height, Surface Vector Wind, and Ocean Color from Space
Initial Ocean Observing System Milestones including international contributions Tide Gauges Operational GPS/DORIS Stations Surface Drifting Buoys Tropical Moored Buoys Ships of Opportunity Argo Floats Reference Stations Coastal Moorings System Evaluation Ocean Carbon Network Dedicated Ship Time High resolution and frequently repeated lines occupied Number of floats Number of moorings Number of buoys Days at sea (NOAA contribution) Product evaluation and feedback loops implemented Number of flux sites/lines, One inventory per 10 years Number of flux moorings Moorings with climate sensors Total System System % Complete 3 4 Multi-year Phased Implementation Plan (representative milestones) 10
Observations Programme Area Challenges SOTSOT –Integration of SOOP, VOS, ASAP –Integration of emerging CO2 program –Implement 200 VOSClim ships –Increase XBTs from 22,000 to 32,000 GLOSSGLOSS –Improve station reporting -- only 168 of 290 stations report regularly –Implement GPS at altimeter cal and long term trends subsets stations ArgoArgo –25 % of 3000 in place –Maintain funding long enough to complete array and demonstrate value [common to all]
Challenges (continued) DBCPDBCP –Increase from 800 to 1250 drifters –Extend the Tropical Moored Buoy Network across the Indian Ocean –Future integration of emerging Ocean Observatories Observations Program AreaObservations Program Area –System monitoring and performance reporting –Funding to meet implementation targets
Need: Integrated Performance Metrics and Mapping Standard base mapStandard base map –Showing required against what is in place Gaps in coverageGaps in coverage Subsets by countrySubsets by country Single access point through JCOMMOPSSingle access point through JCOMMOPS
Integrated Performance Metrics and Mapping Standard base mapStandard base map –Showing required against what is in place Gaps in coverageGaps in coverage Subsets by countrySubsets by country Single access point through JCOMMOPSSingle access point through JCOMMOPS
Observing System Status: 2003, Q2. Sea Surface Temperature Performance Measure: Reduce the error in global measurement of sea surface temperature. Metric: Estimated maximum monthly mean error in 5 regions (degrees Celsius) Year C Goal: 0.3 C Drifting Buoys Moored Buoys Ships Total Goal: 100% Global Coverage Goal: All boxes blue
Challenge: Deployment plan for maintaining continuous sampling in all 5-degree boxes.
Challenge: Future Integration of Emerging Ocean Observatories Network Sites identified by Int’l Time Series Science Team
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