America after WW2 Anticommunist crusade & the threat of Nuclear War r0dUIq8gHgc _W_lLhBt8Vg
House of Un-American Activities Committee HUAC HUAC An investigative committee of the House of Representatives An investigative committee of the House of Representatives Investigate disloyalty and rebellious activities suspected of having Communist ties. Investigate disloyalty and rebellious activities suspected of having Communist ties. Committee members often branded witnesses as “red” if they refused to comply or hesitated in answering committee questions Committee members often branded witnesses as “red” if they refused to comply or hesitated in answering committee questions
McCarthyism McCarthyism; the making of false accusations based on rumor or guilt by association McCarthyism; the making of false accusations based on rumor or guilt by association Senator McCarthy Senator McCarthy – Accused many Americans of being communist or communist sympathizers Those targets Those targets – Government employees – Entertainment/Hollywood – Educators Accused government officials and citizens without ‘real’ evidence Accused government officials and citizens without ‘real’ evidence
Blacklists Hollywood Blacklist/Entertainment Industry Hollywood Blacklist/Entertainment Industry – List of screenwriters, actors, directors, musicians and other U.S. entertainment professionals These individuals were denied employment in the field because of their political beliefs or associations real or suspected These individuals were denied employment in the field because of their political beliefs or associations real or suspected
Loyalty Oaths Loyalty program Loyalty program – Screen all federal employees for their loyalty A person might become a suspect for reading certain books, belonging to various groups, traveling overseas or even seeing certain foreign films A person might become a suspect for reading certain books, belonging to various groups, traveling overseas or even seeing certain foreign films – Seemed to confirm the American fears of Communism Truman required loyalty oaths and background investigations on persons suspected of having communist ties or being a part of undemocratic associations. Truman required loyalty oaths and background investigations on persons suspected of having communist ties or being a part of undemocratic associations.
Drills… Fear of communism and the threat of nuclear war affected American life Fear of communism and the threat of nuclear war affected American life 1950s and 1960s 1950s and 1960s » schools held nuclear drills » bomb shelters were built in basements of homes and buildings. » Foreign Policy became a major issue in presidential elections.