CLOUDS By Jessica Seymour, Kayla Diddle, and Julie Sbarboro
What are clouds? Clouds are a combination of many tiny water molecules.
Why is understanding clouds so important? They tell us important facts about our world Help us to predict weather
Cumulus Clouds Weather is fair- sunny, no chance of rain, snow or other precipitation White, puffy shape; “heap”
Cumulonimbus Clouds Cumulus clouds- the taller these are the greater the possibility of precipitation Thunderheads Bring heavy precipitation, thunder, lightning, hail
Cirrus Clouds Fair weather- no precipitation High in sky; 4-8 miles high Thin, wispy shape Curled and spiraled where wind blows Thin layer, sunlight passes through (white)
Stratus Clouds “to spread out” Cover whole sky like a blanket Uniform dark gray color over entire sky Bring light rain or drizzle May form at any level
Cloud Mobile Follow handout to create your own cloud mobile Longest String: 2 nd Longest String: 2 nd Shortest String: Shortest String:
What cloud is this? Cumulus Cloud
What cloud is this? Cumulonimbus Cloud
What cloud is this? Cirrus Clouds
What cloud is this? Stratus Cloud