Deck Crane
Deck Crane SPECIFICATIONS Manufactured by RAPP HYDRA PRO Seattle SWL (safe working load) @ maximum radius 3000 lbs at all Radii Maximum Radius: 50 ft to End of Basket Minimum Radius: 15 ft to End of Basket Main Boom Angle: 0-75% @ 360 degree continuous rotation System Pressure: 2600-2800 psi System Flow: 26 GPM Hydraulic Fluid: ISO 46 Vegetable based oil
Deck Crane SPECIFICATIONS Manufactured by RAPP HYDRA PRO Seattle Main Winch Type: BG4B-0511-01 Planetary-Hydraulic Driven Drum Mid-Drum Line Pull: 4550 lbs @ 2600 mid Drum psi Mid-Drum Line Speed: 179 FPM @ 26 GPM Crane weighs 25,148 lbs
Systems Deck Crane The deck cranes on/off switch and operating indicator lights are located in the Wheelhouse on the Aft control panel. It is located in the Wheelhouse to ensure no one operates the crane without the navigation watch knowning. Operations calls for a member to stay near this switch in communication with the Crane PIC and Safety Officer. From this height the sight lines are an added safety factor for the crane’s operation. Crane HPU Aft Hold
Deck Crane HPU The Cranes Hydraulic Power Unit is located in the Aft Hold. The Pump Motor operates on 480v 3phase. The breaker is behind the MCC Panel on the Main Switchboard. The tank has an External Sight/Temp Gage, Fill Cap/Filter and Vent. The reservoir’s vent is filled with a material to limit moisture contamination of the hydraulic fluid. The hydraulic fluid is a vegetable based oil that is environmentally friendly. ISO 46 vegetable base.
Deck Crane HPU Fluid Level Sight Tube with Temperature Gage. A Fill Cap with a glogging style flow meter and filter. A Desiccant filled Reservoir Vent.
Deck Crane HPU This Isolation Ball Valve sets directly under the reservoir. Suction side. Always Open. Pressure side of the Pump
Deck Crane Crane Overview Crane Pedestal Crane Pedestal Internal Access Rotation Ring Gear Hydraulic 3:1 reduction rotation drive motor. The Crane has two rotation motors. Crane rotation is 1 RPM Attached to the Pedestal are: The outside shower (hot/cold) and the Hydraulic Aft Windlass controls
Deck Crane Crane Overview Main Boom Main Boom Cylinder Boom attaching Heel Cable Tray Platform and Access Ladder with Swinging Safety door 2nd 3;1 Reduction Rotation motor. Hydraulic lines While climbing the ladder watch your head here! . Ask me how I know!!
Deck Crane Crane Overview 3 Section Box Tube Boom Access Ladder mounted on top Cable Tray 4 Pad Eyes. The forward eye shown here is one of 2 Rated For Lifting. Rubber Resting Pad Pulley Block
Deck Crane Crane Overview The Two Pad Eyes that are not Rated for lifting are, the one shown here and the other is the pad eye on the crane head closest the Basket.
Deck Crane Crane Overview Boom Head Pivot Joints Leveling Rams (up & down) Slewing Actuator (left & right) Basket electrical junction box Camera junction box 4 120v 30amp Plug outlets Camera J Box This pad eye is not rated!
Deck Crane Crane Overview Slewing Motor: This Motor produces Left and Right movement from the controls. (hydraulic) Basket Pivot Joint this Pivot Point allows for up and down movement of the basket. (hydraulic)
Deck Crane Crane Overview Cable Tray Leveling Ram 4 120v 30amp outlets Remote mount Hydraulic winch Lifting Eyes Wireless Weight Transmitter 4 Spot Lights Camera
Deck Crane Crane Overview Remote Crane control mount. Headache Ball & Cable carrying point
Deck Crane Basket 120v Spot lights can also be operated from the wheelhouse Camera J box Camera J box Remote Control Mount and Cable Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Flood Light Switch (momentary) sw. !20v Flood lights Basket Slewed to the right
Deck Crane Basket Very Close! We will stop the crane above this railing and slew the basket to the left before we lower it on its resting pad. A spotter on this deck Always!
Deck Crane Pedestal Controls Cranesmart Weight Meter and Alarm (Wireless) System Pressure Gage Basket Flood lights sw.
Deck Crane Pedestal Controls Rotate Extend Retract Winch Lower Raise Slew Basket Left and Right
Deck Crane Cranesmart This is the Winch Weight & Warning device that will tell the operator the precise weight via a load cell. (wireless) This is Only for Winching Operations. If the winch load capacity is exceeded the alarm will alert the operator. Good info there!
Deck Crane Remote Controls Crane Electrical J box 24V dc and 120V ac Remote Control Receiver
Deck Crane Remote Controls There are Two portable Remote Controllers. One has a waist strap the other has a wedge style mounting bracket for the crane basket. When mounted in the Basket the control unit can be attached to a cable near the mount. Engineers we will cover these when we get home. Hetronic-Nova Series.
Deck Crane Pictures Here are some more views of the crane. Note: There are two internal locking devices that lock the crane in place once it is bedded and shut down. It will not shift in adverse conditions. Landing Pad
Deck Crane Pictures No Safety Officer! Not paying attention! We got a new winch and cable out of this mishap. Chocka Blocka. The operator has to always be aware of the location of the pulley and Headache ball when you are extending the boom. They're the experts and this still happened.
Crane Operations Safety Crane operations on these vessels has to have a high level of planning and training. Engineers have all seen some time on Aerial Ladder Trucks. Think about this, “Throwing A Ladder” without deploying any outriggers…scary proposition. So we will be adjusting the operational plans as we go. We will try to get this started from what we are learning up here in Seattle. From what we have seen so far, the crane is impressive. The boat is very stable while sitting in calm water or along side the dock. Obviously that all changes with any wind/sea conditions other than calm. Surge and or wind/weather conditions will always be a chief consideration. The crane is a great tool, but has limitations based on various external factors. Lastly, we will be using the crane to deploy the Utility Skiff. This takes some finesse - lots of obstacles - so practice will be the key. Skiff/crane op’s will be covered in the Skiff Powerpoint.
Deck Crane Quick Safety Review When we turn the Hydraulics (HPU) on from the Wheelhouse (remotely), the operator must make sure no personnel are working on the HPU in the aft hold, unless they are made aware that you're starting the equipment. (Phones are located near the HPU) We do not start the HPU unless we have a plan in place to use it or we are conducting Testing/Maintenance. ANY Crane operation will first have a Planing/Safety meeting. This meeting will cover Goals, Risks and individual assignments. Positions will cover: Person in Charge (PIC) (Engineer), Saftey Officer (Captain), Crane Operator (Engineer) Line Tenders (Deckhands) and Look-out/Spotters (Pilot). All positions will have comms. PPE: The amount of Protective gear will obviously be determined by the tasks at hand. Helmets and Gloves should be the Minimum. FYI: While climbing the access ladder to the crane platform. Keep your head close to the ladder. Both Fred and I found out why. Bad!
Deck Crane The cranes flood lights will be a great tool for scene lighting. Conditions permitting. Crane lights are turned on from the Wheelhouse Exterior Lighting HMI. The light switches in the basket, or on the pedestal are momentary. Sight Lines
Deck Crane Load Management: Important Reference Links Load Management: Remote Crane Controls: Hetronic-Nova Series