CHAPTER 7: Inventory
Key concepts for discussion Risk Assessment Inventory carrying cost Inventory management parameters Advanced planning and scheduling Minimizing inventory through commonality
Overview of inventory Inventory functionality and definitions Inventory carrying cost Planning inventory Managing uncertainty Inventory management policies Inventory management practices
Why do we have inventories? Because the customer usually isn’t sitting at the plant exit! Queen Elizabeth research station in Antarctica
Why hold inventory? Economies of scale Balancing supply and demand Purchasing advantages Transportation advantages Manufacturing advantages Balancing supply and demand Seasonality/Speculative Maintaining supply sources Buffering against uncertainty Uncertainty in demand Uncertainty in supply
Factors influencing inventory levels Average inventory Number of products Service level objectives Supply chain structure Financial implications of inventory Companies rely on forecasts (demand/supply) to assist in determining how much inventory to carry
Aggregate inventory
Sources of organizational risk Market Risk Demand based risk Market risk Competitive risk Customer risk Service risk Product Portfolio Development Launch Sales Planning and Forecasting Life-Cycle Risk Management Supply Risk Business strategy Supplier Operations Logistics Inventory Financial Risk Investment Tax Expatriation of funds
Supply risk Operations Business strategy Logistics Supplier Inventory Capability Capacity Flexibility Logistics Availability Security Lead time Inventory Policies Ownership Visibility Obsolescence Financial Planning Business strategy Outsourcing philosophy Control Information technology Intellectual property Supplier Strategic sourcing Selection Contracting Supplier management
Risks associated with holding inventory Typical measures of exposure to investments in inventory Time duration Depth of commitment Width of commitment Supply chain exposure based on location Manufacturer’s exposure is typically narrow, but deep and of long duration Wholesaler’s exposure is wider than manufacturers and somewhat deep Duration is medium Retailer’s exposure is wide, but not very deep Duration is usually short except for specialty retailers
Functions of inventory Geographical specialization allows us to specialize production across different locations Decoupling allows us to run processes for maximum economic lot sizes within a single facility Supply/Demand balancing accommodates the elapsed time between inventory availability and consumption Buffering uncertainty accommodates uncertainty related to Demand in excess of forecast or Unexpected delays in delivery (aka safety stock)
Inventory policy Inventory policy is a firm’s guidelines concerning What to purchase or manufacture When to take action In what quantity should action be taken Where products should be located geographically Firm’s policy also includes decisions about which inventory management practices to adopt
Service level Service level is a performance target specified by management and defines inventory performance objectives Common measures of service level include Performance cycle is the elapsed time between release of a purchase order by the buyer to the receipt of shipment Case fill rate is the percent of cases ordered that are shipped as requested Line fill rate is the percent of order lines (items) that were filled completely Order fill is the percent of customer orders filled completely
Inventory definitions Inventory includes materials, components, work-in-process, and finished goods that are stocked in the company’s logistical system The cycle inventory (base stock) is the portion of average inventory that results from replenishment Order quantity is the amount ordered for replenishment Transit inventory represents the amount typically in transit between facilities or on order but not received Obsolete inventory is stock that is out-of-date or is not in recent demand Speculative inventory is bought to hedge a currency exchange or to take advantage of a discount Safety stock is the remainder of inventory in the logistics system
Average inventory is the typical amount stocked over time Average inventory equals the maximum inventory plus the minimum inventory divided by two Typically equal to ½ order quantity + safety stock + in-transit stock Figure 7.1 Inventory Cycle for Typical Product
Smaller replenishment order quantities results in lower average inventory Policy must decide how much inventory to order at a specified time Reorder point defines when a replenishment order is initiated However, other factors are important like performance cycle uncertainty, purchasing discounts, and transportation economies Figure 7.2 Alternative Order Quantity and Average Inventory
Inventory carrying cost is the expense associated with maintaining inventory Inventory expense is Annual inventory carrying cost percent times average inventory value Cost components Cost of capital is specified by senior management Taxes on inventory held in warehouses Insurance is based on estimated risk or loss over time and facility characteristics Obsolescence results from deterioration of product during storage E.g. food and pharmaceutical sell-by dates Storage is facility expense related to product holding rather than product handling
Final carrying cost percent used by a firm is a managerial policy Table 7.2 Inventory Carrying Cost Components
Inventory ordering cost components Order preparation costs Order transportation costs Order receipt processing costs Material handling costs Total cost is driven by inventory planning decisions which establish when and how much to order
When to order × = T R D + SS × = T R D Basic reorder formula if demand and performance are certain R = Reorder point in units D = Average daily demand in units T = Average performance cycle length in days If safety stock is needed to accommodate uncertainty the formula is SS = Safety stock in units × = T R D + SS × = T R D
How much to order Economic order quantity is the amount that balances the cost of ordering with the cost of maintaining average inventory Assumes demand and costs are relatively stable for the year Does not consider impact of joint ordering of multiple products Figure 7.4 Economic Order Quantity
Standard mathematical solution for EOQ
Example EOQ solution using Table 7.3 Total ordering cost is $152 = (2400/300 x $19.00) Inventory carrying cost is $150 = [300/2 x (5 x 0.20)]
Simple EOQ model assumptions All demand is satisfied Rate of demand is continuous, constant and know Replenishment performance cycle time is constant and known Constant price of product that is independent of order quantity or time An infinite planning horizon exists No interaction between multiple items of inventory No inventory is in transit No limit is placed on capital availability
Relationships useful for guiding inventory planning EOQ is found at the point where annualized order placement cost and inventory carrying cost are equal Average base inventory equal one-half order quantity Value of the inventory unit, all other things being equal, will have a direct relationship with replenishment order frequency Higher value products will be ordered more frequently
Typical adjustments to EOQ Volume transportation rates offer a freight-rate discount for larger shipments Compare total cost with each transportation rate option Quantity discounts offer a lower per unit cost when larger quantities are purchased If discount is sufficient to offset added inventory carrying cost less the reduced cost of ordering then it is viable choice Other EOQ adjustments Production lot size Multiple-item purchase Limited capital Dedicated trucking Unitization
Uncertainty in inventory management Inventory policy must deal with uncertainty Demand uncertainty — when and how much product will our customers order? Performance cycle uncertainty — how long will it take to replenish inventory with our customers? Variations must be considered in both areas to make effective inventory planning decisions
Demand uncertainty can be managed using safety stock To protect against stockout when uncertain demand exceeds forecast we add safety stock to base inventory Planning safety stock requires three steps Determine the likelihood of stockout using a probability distribution Estimate demand during a stockout period Decide on a policy concerning the desired level of stockout protection
Probability theory enables calculation of safety stock for a target service level Service level is equal to 100% minus probability % of stockout E.g. a service level of 99% results in a stockout probability of 1% The most common probability distribution for demand is the normal distribution From analysis of historical demand data the safety stock required to ensure a stock out only 1% of the time is possible A one-tailed normal distribution is used because only demand that is greater than the forecast can create a stockout
Example of historical demand analysis using a normal distribution Figure 7.6 Historical Analysis of Demand History Figure 7.7 Normal Distribution
Performance cycle uncertainty means operations cannot assume consistent delivery Table 7.10 Calculation of Standard Deviation of Replenishment Cycle Duration
Safety stock with combined uncertainty Planning for both demand and performance cycle uncertainty requires combining two independent variables The joint impact of the probability of both demand and performance cycle variation must be determined Direct method is to combine standard deviations using a convolution formula
Figure 7.8 Combined Demand and Performance Cycle Uncertainty Typical situation where both demand and performance cycle variation exists Figure 7.8 Combined Demand and Performance Cycle Uncertainty
Summary of alternative solutions to combined uncertainty Table 7.12 Average Inventory Impact Resulting from Changes in EOQ
The fill rate is the magnitude rather than the probability of a stockout Increasing the replenishment order quantity decreases the relative magnitude of potential stockouts The formula for this relationship is
Number of stockouts is reduced from two to one when order quantity is increased Figure 7.9 Impact of Order Quantity on Stockout Magnitude
Increased order size can be used to compensate for decreasing the safety stock Table 7.15 Impact of Order Quantity on Safety Stock
Dependent demand replenishment Inventory requirements are a function of known events that are not generally random Dependent demand does not require forecasting because there is no uncertainty No specific safety stock is needed to support time-phased procurement programs (e.g. MRP) No safety stock assumes Procurement replenishment is predictable and constant Vendors and suppliers maintain adequate inventories to satisfy 100% of purchase requirements
Three approaches to introduce safety stock into dependent demand situations Put safety time into the requirements plan E.g. order a component earlier than needed to assure timely arrival Over-planning top-level demand is a procedure to increase the requisition by a quantity specified by some estimate of expected plan error E.g. assume plan error will not exceed 5 percent Utilize statistical techniques to set safety stocks directly for a component rather than to the item of top-level demand
Approaches to implementing inventory management policies Reactive (or pull) approach responds to customer demand to pull the product through the distribution channel Planning approach proactively allocates inventory on the basis of forecasted demand and product availability Hybrid approach uses a combination of push and pull
Inventory control using reactive approaches Inventory control defines how often inventory levels are reviewed to determine when and how much to order Perpetual review continuously monitors inventory levels to determine inventory replenishment needs Periodic review monitors inventory status of an item at regular intervals such as weekly or monthly
Reorder point formulas for reactive methods Perpetual Review Periodic Review
Assumptions of classical reactive inventory logic All customers, market areas, and product contribute equally to profits Infinite capacity exists at the production facility Infinite inventory availability at the supply location Performance cycle time can be predicted and that cycle lengths are independent Customer demand patterns are relatively stable and consistent Each distribution warehouse’s timing and quantity of replenishment orders are determined independently of all other sites, including the supply source Performance cycle length cannot be correlated with demand
Two planning approaches Planning approaches coordinate requirements across multiple locations in the supply chain Two planning approaches Fair share allocation provides each distribution facility with an equitable distribution of available inventory Limited ability to manage multistage inventories Requirements planning integrates across the supply chain taking into consideration unique requirements Materials requirements planning (MRP) is driven by a production schedule Distribution requirements planning (DRP) is driven by supply chain demand
Example of fair share allocation method Figure 7.11 Fair Share Allocation Example Allocation of 500 available units from plant Warehouse 1 = 47 Warehouse 2 = 383 Warehouse 3 = 70
Figure 7.12 Conceptual Design of Integrated MRP/DRP System Integrated planning approach for raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods MRP system DRP system Figure 7.12 Conceptual Design of Integrated MRP/DRP System
Figure 7-13 Distribution Requirements Planning example Eastern Distribution Center Weeks Past Due 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gross Requirements 100 120 150 130 80 70 90 Scheduled Receipts 400 Projected On-hand 300 180 430 200 450 360 Planned Orders Safety stock – 100 Order quantity – 400 Lead time – 2 weeks Plant Warehouse Safety stock –100 Batch Size – 600 Lead time – 1 week Weeks Past Due 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gross Requirements 400 150 550 Scheduled Receipts 600 Projected On-hand 200 650 1100 Planned Production Western Distribution Center Safety stock – 50 Order quantity – 150 Lead time – 1 week Weeks Past Due 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gross Requirements 40 50 60 90 70 100 30 Scheduled Receipts 150 Projected On-hand 200 160 110 190 240 170 Planned Orders Requirement Shipment
DRP Spreadsheet Load included DRP spreadsheet
Advanced Planning and Scheduling example Eastern Distribution Center Safety stock – 100 Order quantity – 400 Lead time – 2 weeks Weeks Past Due 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gross Requirements 100 120 150 130 80 70 90 Scheduled Receipts 400 Projected On-hand 300 180 430 200 450 360 Planned Orders Plant Warehouse Safety stock –100 Batch Size – 600 Lead time – 1 week Weeks Past Due 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gross Requirements 400 150 550 Scheduled Receipts 600 Projected On-hand 200 650 1100 Planned Production Western Distribution Center Safety stock – 50 Order quantity – 150 Lead time – 1 week Weeks Past Due 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gross Requirements 40 50 60 90 70 100 30 Scheduled Receipts 150 Projected On-hand 200 160 110 190 240 170 Planned Orders Requirement Shipment
Supply chain network Plant Warehouse Western Distribution Center Eastern Distribution Center
Scenario 1 - Base APS example EASTERN DISTRIBUTION CENTER Safety Stock 100 Order Quantity 400 Lead Time 2 Average Past Due 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Requirements 120 150 130 80 70 90 110 105 Projected on hand 300 180 430 200 450 360 260 293 Scheduled receipts 133 Planned Orders PLANT WAREHOUSE 600 156 650 500 700 550 544 WESTERN DISTRIBUTION CENTER 50 40 60 30 58 160 190 170 154 56
APS comparative scenarios Scenario 1 – Base case Scenario 2 – Increase safety stock levels by 20 percent Order frequency impact Average inventory impact In-transit inventory impact Scenario 3 – Increase batch size or replenishment quantity by 20 percent Scenario 4 – Decrease batch size or replenishment quantity by 20 percent
Scenario 2 – 20 percent safety stock reduction EASTERN DISTRIBUTION CENTER Safety Stock 80 Order Quantity 400 Lead Time 2 Average Past Due 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Requirements 100 120 150 130 70 90 110 105 Projected on hand 300 180 430 200 450 360 260 293 Scheduled receipts 133 Planned Orders PLANT WAREHOUSE 600 156 650 500 550 356 WESTERN DISTRIBUTION CENTER 40 50 60 30 58 160 190 170 116 56
Scenario 2 comparison Scenario 1 Eastern DC Western DC Plant Warehouse Total Average On-hand 293 154 544 991 Average Receipts 133 56 150 339 1,330 Scenario 2 118 358 769 1,108
Scenario 3 – 20 Percent Batch Size Increase EASTERN DISTRIBUTION CENTER Safety Stock 100 Order Quantity 480 Lead Time 2 Average Past Due 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Requirements 120 150 130 80 70 90 110 105 Projected on hand 400 300 180 510 380 280 200 520 420 310 313 Scheduled receipts 160 Planned Orders PLANT WAREHOUSE 720 165 600 660 593 WESTERN DISTRIBUTION CENTER 50 40 60 30 58 230 140 220 131 45
Scenario 3 comparison Scenario 1 Eastern DC Western DC Plant Warehouse Total Average On-hand 293 154 544 991 Average Receipts 133 56 150 339 1,330 Scenario 3 313 131 593 1,037 160 45 180 385 1,422
Scenario 4 – 20 percent batch size increase EASTERN DISTRIBUTION CENTER Safety Stock 100 Order Quantity 320 Lead Time 2 Average Past Due 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Requirements 120 150 130 80 70 90 110 105 Projected on hand 400 300 180 350 220 360 290 200 420 310 253 Scheduled receipts 107 Planned Orders PLANT WAREHOUSE 500 440 125 600 280 160 403 WESTERN DISTRIBUTION CENTER 50 40 60 30 58 170 124 45
Scenario 4 comparison Scenario 1 Eastern DC Western DC Plant Warehouse Total Average On-hand 293 154 544 991 Average Receipts 133 56 150 339 1,330 Scenario 3 253 124 403 780 107 45 125 277 1,057
Comparative results Scenario 1 - Base Scenario 2 – 20 percent reduced safety stock Scenario 3 – 20 percent increase batch Scenario 4 – 20 percent reduced batch Reduced on-hand inventory No change in in-transit inventory Likely reduced service Likely no change in transportation charges Increased on-hand inventory Increase in-transit inventory Likely improved service Fewer replenishment orders and likely reduced transportation cost Reduced on-hand and in-transit inventory More replenishment orders and increased transportation cost
Conclusion Advanced planning and scheduling system application Time phased Multi-stage or multi-echelon Systematically evaluate the trade-offs between service level (stockout cost), inventory carrying cost, and transportation cost Recommend the best combination of safety stock and batch size (order quantity) for each supply chain location
Limitations to planning approaches Requires accurate and coordinated forecasts for each warehouse Requires consistent and reliable product movement between warehouse facilities Subject to frequent rescheduling (system nervousness) because of production breakdowns or delivery delays
Collaborative inventory replenishment programs Replenishment programs are designed to streamline the flow of goods within the supply chain Intent is to reduce reliance on forecasting and position inventory using actual demand on a just-in-time basis Quick response (QR) is a technology-driven cooperative effort between retailers and suppliers to improve inventory velocity while matching supply to consumer buying patterns Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is a modified QR that eliminates the need for replenishment orders Profile replenishment (PR) extends QR and VMI by giving suppliers the right to anticipate future requirements according to their knowledge of a product category
Managerial considerations when developing an inventory policy Table 7.18 Suggested Inventory Management Logic
Inventory management practices Product/market classification groups products, markets, or customers with similar characteristics to facilitate inventory management E.g. classify by sales, profit contribution, inventory value, usage rate or item category Segment strategy definition specifies all aspects of inventory management process for each segment of inventory E.g. service objectives, forecasting method, management technique, and review cycle Policies and parameters must be defined at a detailed level E.g. data requirements, software applications, performance objectives, and decision guidelines
Example of product classification by sales Table 7.19 Product Market Classification (Sales)
Sample illustrating segment strategy definitions Table 7.20 Integrated Strategy