One night during Ramdan month our prophet (peace be upon him) saw in his sleep a vision. By virtue of this vision he knew the time of El Qadr Night. When.


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Presentation transcript:

One night during Ramdan month our prophet (peace be upon him) saw in his sleep a vision. By virtue of this vision he knew the time of El Qadr Night. When he woke up he went outside to tell the people about it. He found two Moslems quarreling & cursing each other. He became angry and started to reconcile between them.

He was engaged in that matter and forgot the time of El Kadr Night. He then headed to the mosque and gathered the people and told them that he was informed about El Qadr Night and intended to tell them but due to the fight between the two men he forgot the timing. He was engaged in that matter and forgot the time of El Kadr Night. He then headed to the mosque and gathered the people and told them that he was informed about El Qadr Night and intended to tell them but due to the fight between the two men he forgot the timing.

He added that may be what happened was for their best interest and asked them to seek this night during the last ten days of Ramadan. (Approved). Allah the most Glorious mentioned the virtue of this night in his Quran. Allah said: “Verily, we have sent it down in the night of Al Qadr”. He added that may be what happened was for their best interest and asked them to seek this night during the last ten days of Ramadan. (Approved). Allah the most Glorious mentioned the virtue of this night in his Quran. Allah said: “Verily, we have sent it down in the night of Al Qadr”.

And what will make you know what the night of Al-Qadr is? The night of Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months. Therein descend the Angels and he Ruh by Allah's permission all Decrees. There is peace until the appearance of dawn". (Surah AL-Qadr).

Lady Eisha (blessing on her) asked our prophet (peace be upon him) about the supplications during Al Kadr Night and he told her say:" Allah, you are the most forgiving & most generous and you cherish forgiveness a lot, so I ask your forgiveness" (Ahmed).