Innovation through Institutional Integration (I 3 ) Jody Chase, Tribal Colleges and Universities Program Sylvia James, Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers Mark Leddy, Research in Disabilities Education Division of Human Resource Development Directorate for Education and Human Resources February 29, 2008 National Science Foundation
Keys to Innovation Creativity Connectivity Integration Synergy
Goals of I 3 Increase synergy & collaboration among NSF/EHR-funded projects and within/ between institutions Enhance sustainability Promote integration of STEM research and education Broaden participation, attend to critical educational junctures, and/or provide for more globally engaged workforce Encourage research on intra- or inter- institutional integration & broader impacts
Incorporate a depth and quality of creative, coherent, and strategic actions that extend beyond commonplace approaches to normal institutional operations. Innovation Through Institutional Integration
Cross-Divisional Effort In EHR For 2008, proposals are solicited in six programs: CREST ITEST MSP Noyce RDE TCUP
Eligibility And Limit On Number Of Proposals Institutions of higher education, including two- and four-year colleges Only one proposal from an institution, submitted to only one EHR program PI must be provost or equivalent (unless proposal is exclusively for research)
Proposals For Implementation Expected To Articulate Project’s vision, goals, and anticipated outcomes Plan for achieving them Management/governance plan and timeline Evaluation plan that addresses effectiveness of strategies, including any institutional policies, practices, or mechanisms developed and implemented; and, as appropriate, provide for evaluation of any products produced, and collection and analyses of relevant student data
Proposals For Research Expected To Provide Brief review of literature that informs proposed research Discussion of methodology and its alignment with strategic research questions Clear articulation of logic among research question, method, analysis, inference, and evidence
Special Review Criteria Extent to which project addresses goals for institutional integration Degree of innovation Extent to which project addresses programming, policies, and practices that sustain institutional changes needed for ongoing synergy
Continuing grants of up to $200K per year for up to five years, with funding for Years 4 and 5 dependent on project progress and availability of funds. Innovation Through Institutional Integration
Proposals due by April 10, 2008 I 3 proposals submitted to any of the six participating EHR programs have common due date and will be reviewed in competition with one another.
FAQs Available At EHR Website: Click on Program Area – Education Special Announcement