LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA Lithuanian Builders Association Dr. Vaidotas Šarka LSA Executive Director Member of Council of Lithuanian Builders Technology Platform Vilnius Project Improving Health and Safety in construction SMEs
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA Content 1.Lithuanian Builders Association Today 2.Construction Market Impact for Lithuanian Economy; 3.Mission 4.Goals 5.Services and Projects 6.Association Management
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA Lithuanian Builders Association (LSA) Today Lithuanian Builders Association is: Founded in 1993 Reflecting the interests of more than 180 companies and organizations of Lithuanian construction market, within 50% Input to the Construction industry volume (Construction companies ~ 132 (~83% SME) Is a member of Lithuanian Industrialist Federation (LPK) representing Construction industry; Is the voice and partner of the Lithuanian Construction industry for economic, political and technical issues in European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC). Is a part of FIEC NORDIC Group (Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Estonia and Lithuania). Is the member of National Chapter of European Construction Technology Platform in Lithuania ( Acts as an construction industry force, participating ir monitoring and support a continuous process of improvement in Lithuanian Construction Industry LSA interacts with the government and legislative authorities, participating in different committees and working groups, vocational training and high education, other construction industry associations, architects, engineers, developers, household appliance, consumers associations and other organizations related with construction industry
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA Construction Market Impact for Lithuanian Economy (2008) Created ~10% GDP (EU25 avg. >10% GDP); ~10% of all Lithuanian Employment (Total Lithuanian Employment mln. Employees) + ~26000 self employed; ~ 50% Gross Fixed Capital Formation; ~50% All Energy Consumption (For new and renovation buildings and also maintenance)
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA Vision Services for Construction Market – Partnership for Increase Members Productivity and Solutions for Better Quality Service for Customers
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA Mission Represent the interests of Association members at Lithuanian Be the voice of the Lithuanian Construction industry in Europe Be a forum for high level information exchange between our members our partners in Lithuania and Europe
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA LSA Goals for (Calculate only members) 1.Till 2015 m. Increace productivity level to gain 80% ES25 future average level 2.For decrease accident and death number by 10% every Year; 3.Members satisfaction index level would be more that 60% (from 100%) for 2008; 70% ; 80% ; 4.Increace number of members of association by 20% per Year for the first 3 Years;
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA Darbo grupės Administration LSA Management Structure Annual General Meeting Other WG Proposals to be adopted by Annual General Meeting Finance& Economy Information Sharing Level Executive Level working groups LSA President LSA Presidium Setting general direction & approving strategy Executive Director Layer Secretary MediaProject managers Consultants (1) SOC(2) ECO(3) TEC(4) SME(5) Energy Efficiency Partners
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA ECO DG Activities ECO: –Procurement ; –Pricing level; –Contracts and responcibilities; –Taxing; –Delayed Payments; –PPP an Concession models and other;
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA SOC DG Activities SOC1- Vocational Training; SOC2 – Health and Safety; SOC3: –Undeclared Labour ; –Labour Codex; –Social Guarantees; –Employees Posting Data Base; –Working Time; –Social Dialog; –Other.
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA TEC DG Activities TEC: –Construction Innovation: European Construction Technology Platform; Underground Construction Underground Construction Cities and Buildings Quality of Life Materials Networks Cultural Heritage Processes & ICT Cities and Buildings Quality of Life Materials Networks Cultural Heritage Processes & ICT EurekaBuild Project; Other programs –Service Directive; –CE Marking; –Construction Standards; –Construction Products Directive;
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA Other Groups Energy Efficiency; Sustainable Development; Ethics; Others.
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA Projects Vocational training project (Phase 2) ; 2.Education and Training of Middle Management level staff project ; 3.Construction Classification System development and Digital Construction Solutions Development Projects (With Environment Ministry); 4.Accident in Construction Prevention project ; 5.“Construction News” Newspaper Improvement Project; 6.Others Projects;
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA Our Relations and Partners Governmental level: –LRV, LR Environment Ministry and Construction Product Sertification Center, LR Industry Ministry, LR Finance Ministry and TAX inpection, LR Social and work Ministry and Inspection of Work, Municipalities, Govermnetal bodies „Registry Center“, Statistical Department, Job center, Ministry of Internal affairs and Migration Department, others; –Kiti pagal poreikį. Partners: –LPK, LNTPA, LIC, Lietuvos statybų industrijos asociacija, Lietuvos langų ir durų asociacija, Lietuvos santechnikų asociacija, Lietuvos melioratorių asociacija, Lietuvos projektuotojų asociacija, Lietuvos statybos inžinierių sąjunga, Lietuvos architektų sąjunga, Lietuvos statybų technologinė platforma bei kitos pagal poreikį; –Mokslo ir mokymo organizacijos; –ES Slovėnų, Danų, Švedų, Suomių, Estų, Latvių, Austrų, Italų, Prancūzų, UK, ir kitų šalių asocijuotos struktūros ir org.; –Kiti pagal poreikį;
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA 3. Esama narių ir LSA problematika Nariams: –Didelis kiekis įvairių socialinių, ekonominių ir technologių problemų – Sąlyginai nedidelis išsprendimo efektyvumas, didelis fragmentiškumas. Būtina koncentracija; –Projektavimo, sąmatų skaičiavimo ir resursų valdymo procesų nesuderinamumas ir neracionalumas; –Žmogiškų resursų kvalifikacijos ir žinių ateities sprendimams stoka ir neaišku kuria kryptimi mokyti. Esami rinkoje mokymai neatitinka poreikių ir labai suprastėjo lygis bei pradeda kartotis. Neduoda efekto; –Tai sąlygoja mažą įmonių valdymo bei statybų darbo našumą, lyginant su ES vidurkiu (pagal darbo našumo vidurkį); –Kita; LSA: –Nedidelis daugumos narių aktyvumas; –LSA žmogiškų ir finansinių resursų trūkumas; –Kita;
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA 3.1 Productivity per one employee 2006 m. (EU-25 = 100) Source: Eurostat
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA 3.2 Productivity level % per one hour within 2005 (EU-15 = 100) Source: Eurostat
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA 3.4 Employment and unemployment level in Lithuania 2000–2006 m. 1 To be corrected. 2 Source: Eurostat, NewCronos.
LIETUVOS STATYBININKU ASOCIACIJA Materialinės investicijos 2000–2006 m.m ln. litų Šaltinis: Eurostatas, Struktūriniai rodikliai (prognozė), Statistikos departamentas