WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May Impact of the Deregulation on the Safety H. Weldingh –DEFU I.R. Ludvigsen –The Danish Electricity council
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May The Danish Deregulation Electricity sector fully deregulated Unbundled into –Traders, power producers, network operators –Network operators placed under cost-reducing incentives (benchmarking)
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May The Network Operators Strong incentives to reduce cost –Benchmark-process Stop of investments in the grid Reduction in staff No economical incentive to avoid a decrease in the quality of supply yet
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May The Pessimistic Scenario –Poorly maintained equipment –Cheap technical solutions –Lack of experienced staff –Confusion in areas of responsibility –New, inexperienced operators Leads to a decrease in the supply quality (?) And in the general level of safety (??)
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May Survey on safety aspects Conducted by the Electricity council –End of 2000 beginning of 2001 In the power industry –Power producers –Network operators Carried out in the middle of the transition period
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May The Survey No clear answers. No evidence of a decline in the safety level. –Or even in the attitude towards safety. But: –The liberalisation process has build-in mechanisms, which may led to a decrease in the level of safety for personnel.
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May Actions initiated Tightening of inspections Access to (statistical) information from the power companies on incidents in the network Establishment of a (compulsory) quality- assurance system
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May Inspection of the power companies Focus on –Safety procedures –Maintenance –Documentation Report system
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May Report System Three categories –According to safety risks allocated to the observation Two classes –A: connected with equipment, material and installations –B: connected with the operation of the network
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May Examples Lack of barrier in front of live part –Category 1, class A Poorly maintained material –Category 1, 2 or 3, class B
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May Inspection of the power companies Established –No trends yet.
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May Access to statistics Trends in quality of supply? Relation between quality of supply and safety for personnel? –Traditional priority Safety for the personnel (long term) security of the material (short term) reliability of supply –Changes in this??
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May Access to statistics Access to statistical material on faults in the network –Medium voltage network –Any Incident leading to an interruption of the supply of more than 1 min. Duration Except planned outages Includes analysis of direct and deeper causes
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May Total number of Faults in the kV network Fault = any incident with an interruption longer than 1 min.
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May Relative number of faults caused by age, wear or poor maintenance
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May Relative number of faults caused by faulty Operation
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May QA-system Part of the legislation (Heavy current regulation) Obligations for the company: –Establish, implement and maintain the system –Nominate a person for the control of the installation –Provide the nominated person with sufficient means The nominated person: –Responsible of use of the system –Safety procedures for operations in the network Internal and external audition
WELDINGH_DK_AUTHOR_6.2_12 Barcelona May QA-system Pilot project running in 2003 In operation in 2004