Senior Design Project P06201: Modified Home Entry Robert Karpowicz Brian Long Jeff Webb Josh Ribbeck
Introduction Client: Arc of Monroe County Sponsor: National Science Foundations Goal: To create a system to open and close main doors automatically for handicapped residents at two assisted living locations Locations – 2 Arc of Monroe County Assisted Living Locations –1969 Middle Road in Rush, NY –1860 Fairport Nine Mile Road in Penfield, NY
Needs Assessment Objectives Door needs to open and close on its own with only input from an operator. Activation via a wireless remote. Only individuals with remotes can utilize the system. System to operate only when not in use. Preserve regular function of the door. After opening, the door should remain open until closed or close on its own. Door should detect an object in its path on either side. Reliability and ease of maintenance.
Major Design Requirements 1- Door speed should be 15 degrees/second. 2 - While in motion the system should detect object within 36” in front or behind the door. 3 - Door should remain open for 30 seconds before automatically closing. 4 - Remote control should activate with a 2 lbf input. 5 - Remote Control should operate within 10 ft. 6 – Resistance of only 5 lbf during manual operation.
4 Concepts for Door Opening Linear Actuator Motor and Gear Hydraulic System Pulley system
2 Concepts for Lock Actuation Electromagnetic Acutation Rack and Pinion with a motor 1 Concepts for System Activation Wireless remote control, with receiver to activate system.
Linear Actuator Design Concept Sketch
Linear Actuator – to Open Door Pros –Complete Electronic Control. –Minimum resistance to Manual Operation. –Simple Integration. –Only 1 moving part low maintenance. –Minimal Changes to the house. Cons –Long Travel –Cost
Motor and Gear System – to Open Door
Pros –Off the Shelf Components –Easy integration –Low Cost –Quiet Operation –Low Maintenance Cons –High resistance to Manual operation.
Hydraulic System – to Open Door
Pros –Off Shelf Components –Simple Design Cons –Noise –High power Consumption –Cost –High maintenance
Pulley System – to Open Door
Pros –Cheap –No resistance to manual operation Cons –Integration –Needlessly Complicated –Fragile operation –In the way of manual Operation –Aesthetics
Electromagnetic Unlocking
Pros –Easy set up, and maintenance –Only 1 moving part. –Quiet –Cheap Cons –Questionable effectiveness
Rack and Pinion with Motor Unlocking
Pros –Reliability –Off the shelf components Cons –More moving parts to create maintenance issues. –Bulky assembly in an already tight area.
Information about Actuation and Unlocking Systems Standard Stamp to be used for programming. Remote control and receiver will be similar to garage door style receivers. Pros –Easy to use, allows only certain people to use the system. Cons –Cost and adjustability of programming.
Summary This project provides the unique opportunity to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the Arc of Monroe Counties Assisted Living Locations.