CLEANTECH Environment Vs. Development Win Lose Lose Win LoseLose WinWin Cleantech Offers Solutions
CLEANTECH CLEANER PRODUCTION Source reduction of pollutants in a facility through changes in Product design, process technology, fuel, materials, practices or innovation To achieve LOW or NO waste
CLEANTECH PCCP Begins at the Goes along the end of the pipeprocess CoerciveVoluntary CompliantBeyond Compliance ConventionalInnovative ConservativeCreative RegulatoryPromotional AT COSTAT PROFIT
CLEANTECH Cleantech Potential Directly proportional to: Cost of Materials Toxicity of Materials Hazard Potential Volume of Wastes Energy intensity of Process
CLEANTECH Emerging CP Technologies Separation technologies Handling technologies Energy efficiency/Clean fuel Biotechnology/Catalysis Recycling Innovation Tools: LCA, Value Engineering Landmarks: ISO 14000, Eco-Mark
CLEANTECH CP Equipment PC Equipment Centrifuge Aerators Filters Digesters Membranes Clarifiers Evaporators Mixers Compressors Cyclones FractionatorsFilters Freeze Dryers Scrubbers Super Critical Reactors ESP’s Waste heat dryers Turbocharger Microwave Dryers Process simulators Programmable Controls Ozonators
CLEANTECH CLEANTECH PROCESS Preliminary audit Process analysis & material balance Hazard/Toxicity potential Waste streams analysis CP opportunities & options CP plans With capital addition Without capital addition
CLEANTECH CLEANTECH APPROACHES No Waste No Hazard Waste Exchange Industrial Complexing – Integrated Production Design for Environment Dematerialization Detoxification Clean Energy Options Package of Practices Innovation management
CLEANTECH Cleantech Innovative Cleantech modules Membrane technology Microwave Drying Super Critical Extraction Ozonation/Electrolysis Hydrogen/Helium power Waste heat utilization/ Thermo chillers Thermal Plasma/ E-beam technology High Rate Fermentation/biotechnology
CLEANTECH Case Studies: Zero Emission Zero Discharge Electroplating Zero Discharge Textile Dyeing Fruit Processing Waste Elimination The Mushroom Soup Story Virtual Waterless Manufacturing No Freshwater Intake No Wastewater Discharge
CLEANTECH Virtual Waterless Manufacturing Cane Sugar Production Major interventions Condensate recovery & recycle Ozonztion for mill sanitation/whitening Membrane technology for juice clarification and concentration Significant results Zero freshwater Zero discharge Biocide elimination Sulphur free sugar Energy saving ISO:14000/E-mark
CLEANTECH Virtual Waterless Manufacturing Virtual Waterless Manufacturing Milk Processing Major interventions Complete recycling of condensate Cold pasteurization by ozonation Detergent free CIP process Elimination of acids Significant results 70% freshwater cut 80% effluent cut Acid/alkali/detergent free processing Zero bacteria Longer shelf life Immunoglobulin
CLEANTECH Virtual Waterless Manufacturing Textile Dyeing & Processing Major Interventions Closing the loop Detergent free wash Non toxic dyes with high transfer rate Microwave drying Super critical CO2 dyeing Significant results Zero Discharge Energy saving 92% Dyestuff utilization No colour No toxicity More money
The Future Implication of CLEANTECH The potential implication of cleantech include: Zero energy approach De-materialization of Production Zero emission A combination of above with resource recycling and co-generation could lead to positive environmental impact
Implication for Indian Industry The self repaying low cost innovation based approach would provide instant opportunity for enviro-management to Indian Industry to beyond compliance levels, simultaneously enhancing their ability to compete globally. This would also unlock the investment potential of Indian Industry for Environment.