By Geoff
It Can Be Done! ~60 Writers ~40 Writers
Your Job as Editor: Establish and maintain Editorial Voice Assemble The Team Communicate Cheerlead Give Good Feedback Keep Team Focused Resolve Conflicts
Secrets to Being A GREAT Editor Be Benevolent Work for the success of your staff Kill Your Ego Being Right isn't Being Successful Never Cherry Pick Give your top writers top opportunities Create VALUE for your writers Go out there and get review copies, interviews, etc on behalf of your team
Editorial Voice Many people can speak as one voice Decided what that voice is Break out by Topic/Category/Subject Can be Genre, Locale or even tone Bring on people to fill specific areas Don't have too much overlap Keep people focused on their topic
Create A Writer's Guidebook Define Editorial Tone Set expectations How many posts per week? Give examples of what you want to see Provide publishing & promotion how to Encourage Communication Define the rules of your site
Your Blog Team
Communication is Key! One to One Communication – , IM, Telephone One to Many Communication – Forum & Important to keep in regular communication with your staff Success includes getting your staff to communicate with eachother.
Tools For Communication
Give Your Writers Feedback Writers NEED feedback No News is Not Good News them kudos when they do well & tips when they are stumbling When a story gets a lot off traffic, don’t keep that to yourself TELL THEM
The Best Tool To Resolve Issues Don’t air issues with writers online or in comments Never criticize a writers work in public Editor/Publishers can’t take off that hat and be ‘regular commenters” Don’t have it out via Pick up the damn phone
Keys to Happy Contributors Give contributors ownership of their work (pride of ownership) Don’t be possessive of your writers or their work Let writers make mistakes. Mistakes are where the learning comes in Show Your Appreciation Reward Hard work Empower them to become leaders
My Contact Info: Geoff Q & A